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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 213   View pdf image (33K)
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in the Years 1689-90. 213

your Pef'5 estates and imprisoned their Persons to the ruine of
themselves and families, and have violently perverted the Laws
of the Province having done what their own wicked Wills
suggested which they maintain by force seeking to shelter
their oppressions from your Majesties Ears by covering their
Actions with the pretence of Zeale for your Majties service, not
regarding your Majesties gracious cofnands by your Royal
Letter of the first of February in the first year of your Reigne
for the preservation of the peace of the said Province; and
unjustly stileing those who will not join with them Traytors to
your Mts Government Notwithstanding your Petitionrs (as like-
wise several hundreds of your Majesties Protestant subjects of
that your Province and who abhor the Actions of the said
Coode and his Complices) no sooner received notice of your
Majesties happy Accession to the Crowne but that they shewed
themselves with all possible Demonstrations of Joys and only
waited your Majesties Orders for your being proclaimed,
The Declaration of the said Coode, and eight more persons,
which he falsely says to be that of your Majestte's Protestant
subjects of Maryland being most notoriously false as were also
the subscriptions to the Addresses they presented to your
Majtie forged as your Petitioner can make appear; Which per-
sons have also levied Taxes on us illegally.
Those and many other grievances and Irregularities which
are set forth in several Addresses of your Majties subjects of
that your Province (and here ready in all humble manner to be
tendred to your Majtie) will inevitably in a short time bring that
your Mals flourishing Province into Ruine and Confusion,
unless your Majtie shall in your princely wisdom interpose your
Royall Authority to put a stop thereto.
Your Petitioners therefore most humbly pray your
Majtie That you will graciously be pleased to give your
Orders that the said John Coode together with one
Kenelm Cheselyn, who is one of his Accomplices and
are both now here in London, may be sent for before
your Majtie to answer the Complaints occasioned by the
aforesaid oppressions of your Petitioner, and that your
Majtie will be pleased to grant such Redress to your
Pef against the said Coode and his Accomplices as
upon making appear oar said Grievances to your Majtie
your Majtie in your Princely Justice and wisdome shall
think fit.
And your Petr (as in duty bound) shall ever
pray &c:
John Lillingston George Lingan Henry Coursey
Thomas Knighton Miles Gibson Thomas Tailler
John Hinson. Samuel Chew Richard Hill
Abraham Wilde. Edward Dorsey.

P. R. O.
B. I. Vol. 2,
B. E.

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 213   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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