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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 212   View pdf image (33K)
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212 Records Illustrating the History of Maryland

P. R. O.
Col. Entry

Vol. 52.

sent for to answer his just complaints against them and to

make satisfaction for the great wrongs & injuries he hath suf-
fered by them. It was ordered by his Majesty in Councill that
the said Iohn Coode and Kenelm Cheseldyne be and they are
hereby required personally to attend this Board on Thursday
the 20th of November next to answer the aforesaid complaint
whereof they are not to faile at their perill.

P. R. O.

Am. & W.
Vol. 27.

At the Court at Whitehall
the 20th of November 1690.

The Kings most Excellent Majesty in Councill.

The Right Honorable the Lord Baltemore & John Coode
and Kenelm Cheseldyn having this day appeared at the Board,
upon the Petition of the Lord Baltemore And the said John
Coode and Kenelm Cheseldyn humbly representing that they
were not then prepared with their witnesses to make out the
truth of the Petition and Articles exhibited by them against the
Lord Baltemore. It is hereby ordered in Councill that the
Lord Baltemore on the one part, and the said Coode, &
Cheseldyn on the other, do attend the Lords of the Committee
of Trade and Plantations on Saturday next, at four in the
afternoon, then to make out their respective Allegations
against each other,
a true copy.
John Povey.

P. R. O.

B. I. Vol. 2,
B. E.
p. 37

To the Kings most Excellent Majtie

The humble Petition of several of your Maties
Loyal Protestant Subjects, and ancient Inhabitants
of your Province of Maryland, and lately from
thence here arrived, in behalf of themselves and
most of the Inhabitants of the said Province.
That your Petrs have for many years enjoy'd the blessing of
Peace under the mild Government of the Lord Baltemore and
his Father and have been equal partakers of their Justice as
well as favours with your Majties subjects there of other per-
swasions, untill of late your Petrs have been by the malicious
designs and wicked Practices of one John Coode and his
Accomplices disturbed and deprived of their long continued
happiness and yor Majties peaceable and Dutifull subjects have
been most barbarously and inhumanly treated by them, having
not only in a Tumultuous manner wrested the Government
into their owne hands, seizing the Publick Records wherein is
the security of your Petitioners Estates and reposing them in the
hands of unfitt persons that arbitrarily seized and plundered

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 212   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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