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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 211   View pdf image (33K)
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in the Years 1689-90, 211

To the Kings most Excellent Majesty
The humble Petition of Charles Lord Baltemore.
That yr Majty by yor Letter sent to Maryland of date the
first of February last was pleased to give Orders to the Per-
sons the same was directed to, to suffer yor Petitioner or his
Agents to collect the Revenues ariseing there, that pursuant
thereunto yor Petr hath been at great charge and expence in
sending a person to Maryland for that purpose But that not-
withstanding your Majesties said order yor Petrs Agent is
returned without being suffered to collect anything of the
Publick Revenue there to the great Detrement of your Peti-
tioner. That one John Coode and one Kenelm Cheselyn
two of the Ringleaders of the disturbers of your Petrs Gov-
ernmt and who have got the greatest part of the said Revenues
into their hands are landed at Plimouth and as yr Petr is
informed by Persons lately come to Town from thence are
there embezelling and spending the same.
Yor Petitioner most humbly prays yr Maty that you will
graciously be pleased to give order for the sending for the
said Coode and Cheseldyn to prove (if they are able) their
former Declaration against yor Petr And alsoe to answere the
just Complaints of your Petr before yor Majty and to make
satisfaction for the great wrongs and injuries yr Petitioner
hath suffered by them. And your Petr further humbly prayes
your Majty that what part of the said Revenue is not already
paid unto the said Coode and Cheseldyn and their Agents by
the Comanders of Shipps or others yor Majty will graciously
be pleased to give Order that the same be paid to yr Pef it
being the only support of your Petitioner and his Family here.
And as in duty bound yor
Pef shall ever pray &c:

Referr'd by Order of the
20. Nov: 1690.
Read at the Comittee
22. Nov: 1690.

P. R. O.

B. I. Vol. 2,
B. E.
p. 36

Order from Mr Coode and Cheseldine to appear at the
Board, 20th [Nov.]
Upon reading this day at the Board the humble Petition of
Charles Lord Baltemore setting forth tht he is informed tht
Iohn Coode and Kenelime Cheseldyne two of the ringleaders
of the disturbers of the Petitioners Government in Maryland
and who have gott the greatest part of his Revenue into their
hands are lately Landed at Plimouth and are there embezling
and spending the same and therefore praying tht they may be

P. R. O.
Col. Entry
Vol. 52,
p. 180

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 211   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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