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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 210   View pdf image (33K)
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210 Records Illustrating the History of Maryland

P. R. O.

B. I. Vol. 2,
B. E.
1 • 3o

To all Xpian People to whome these presents shall come
I, Iohn Paige merchant Mayor of the Towne of Plymouth
within the Kingdome of England and one of theire Majesties
Iustices of the Peace there doe hereby certify and make
knowne unto you that on this present day beinge the ffour-
teeneth day of November in the second yeare of the raigne
of our soveraigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the
grace of God of England, Scotland, France and Ireland King
and Queene defenders of the faith etc Anno: Dom: 1690 stilo
Anglie, before mee the said Mayor att Plymouth aforesaid in
presence of Thomas Payne notary and Tabellion Publique
lawfully constituted admitted and sworne and there dwellinge)
personally appeared and came Edward Burford of Wappinge
within the Parish of Stephaney in the county of Midlesex
Marriner comander of the Shipp Abraham and Francis of
London and Symon Amberly of the Parish aforesaid Marriner,
Comander of the Shippe lames of London whoe did then and
there freely voluntarily and severally depose and sweare on
the Holy Evangelist of God to bee true as followeth (that is
to say) that about the fifth or sixth day of September last past
these deponants beinge at sea in their returne from their
voyage from Virginia and beinge on board the shippe Edward
and Mary of London whereof Michael Staples then was and
yet is Comander in Company of one Iohn Coode sometyme
an Inhabitant in Mariland And these deponants or one of
them haveinge discourse with the said Iohn Coode for what
reason hee had overturned and assumed to himselfe and his
associates the Government of Mariland hee the said Iohn
Coode made answeare and said these words (vitz) God damn
mee what I did was in prejudice or revenge to the Lord Bal-
tamore And the said deponant Edward Burford for himselfe
alsoe deposeth that presently afterwards the said Iohn Coode
then and there alsoe said if hee went for Ireland or France
hee could doe better there then this deponant Edward Bur-
ford, because that hee the said Iohn Coode could make a
popish Masse, all which the said deponants have severally
deposed to bee true And in true testimony thereof I the said
Mayor have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my
seale of office of Mayoralty And the said notary hath alsoe
hereunto set his hand and notarial seale even the day and
yeare first before written.
Edw: Burford
Simon: Emberly
Iohn Paige (mayor) TL. S.]
Thomas Payne. [L. S.]
Notarius Publicus

Read 22nd Nov. 90.

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
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