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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 209   View pdf image (33K)
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in the Years 1689-90. 209

Gentl It would do very well in these dangerous times to
take care that no false news be divulged to alarm neither the
people nor the Indians but that the Inhabitants of the Frontiers
be dilligent and watchfull to defend themselves and give
notice if any real occasion should be since that news wee
have here declared that wee will reward any that bring true
news and punish those Divulgers of false news And the least
Tampering with the Indians in these times the better only to
lett care be taken that they be not wronged nor abused by
Traders or any others.
I lately saw a Letter dated in December last wrote by
Mr Blakiston to Captain Simon Rowe Commander of their
Majestie's Shipp Donbarton wherein he takes on him to order
Capt Rowe to seize any Vessells that should be cleared by
Mr George Layfield I wonder he should take upon him to
write any such thing when it is apparent Mr Layfield is
appointed by Patrick Myne Esqre who was sent from England
to settle his Majestie's affaires as to the American parts
Collect" of Potomacke &c: And by the Comission from the
Right Honble the Commissioners of their Majties Customes in
England he is appointed Surveyrand Comptrouler of all their
Majties duties in their Majties Province of Maryland and that
one Abbington who they say is an ordinary keeper takes upon
him to be Collecfof their Maj"es Duties in Potuxent River which

I am informed is the greatest Districht in that Province I hope

Gentlm you will take care the Acts of Parliament are duely
performed and that their Majties duties be justly and duely
collected and accounted for and care taken that their Majties be
not defrauded of their customes and that good security be
taken from all shipps and vessells that doe not bring Certifi-
cates from England I desire if you send any Letters to me
to direct them to be delivered to Coll: Lee or Coll: Allerton I
expected an answer to all the matters of my Letters according
to Mr Coode and Mr Blakiston's promises but have received
none neither doe I hear of any shipps come down to goe with
the Fleet. I am
your loveing Friend
Fr: Nicholson.

To those that take upon
them to preserve the Peace
and administer the Laws
in their Majties Province
of Maryland.
Recd from Capt Nicholson
10th Febry 1690/1

P. R. O.

B. I. Vol. 2,
B. E.

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 209   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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