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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 208   View pdf image (33K)
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208 Records Illustrating the History of Maryland

P. R. O.


B. I. Vol. 2,
B. E.
p. 41

Lieut: Govr Nicholson to the Governrs of

21. Septr & 27th 8ber 1690.
There being three shipps of good force in York River that
will be ready to saile for England by the 20th day of October I
thought fitt to give you notice thereof, that what shipps or
vessells you have ready in their Majties Province of Maryland to
Saile for England may by that time be ordered by you to come
for York River there to make upp a Fleet according to his
Majties commands.
I received a letter from the Commodore of the fleet dated
the 8th of this inst: which gave me notice the Fleet were in
good condicon and then forty Leagues att Sea. I am

James Citty 27th October 1690.
I rece'd a Letter from Maryland dated the 8th of August last
signed by Jno Coode and eight others with a Coppy of a paper
without a date signed Henry Wriethosley Clek Assist: which
paper imports that Capt Coode was continued Principall and
Commander in Chief of their Majties Forces within that Prov-
ince and wth the advice or assistance of twenty persons there
named or any seven or more of them to manage all affaires in
the Intervalls of Assemblies. And in that Letter it is desired
that all letters be directed to the President and therein Richard
Hill is accused for Treason against their Majties Whereof
myself and their Majties Councill here takeing Notice and
hearing the said Hill was on board some of the shipps goeing
for England, he was sent for on shore and Bond taken with
security for his appearance before the Right Honble the Earle
of Shrewsbury their Majtie's principall Secretary of State to
answer such matters as should be objected against him since
which I received a Letter from Mr Nehemiah Blakiston dated
the 17th of September wherein he writes me he is appointed
President of the Committee for the present Government of
Maryland and sends me a Coppy of a Letter from Capt John
Coats about the Indians being att the head of Potomack and
that the Piscattua Indians complained that some of their Indians
were killed.
Gentlemen, this account made me order the Officers of
their Majestie's Militia on Potomack to send out souldiers to
range to the head of that River and they could not find nor
understand that any strange Indians had been there and the
Commanders going over to the Piscattua Town and enquiring
into the matter the Emperor of the Indians declared he knew
nothing of strange Indians nor that any of his Indians were

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 208   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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