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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 207   View pdf image (33K)
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in the Years 1689-90. 207

Indians the murther is committed is not yet certainly knowne,
but have sent out upon our Frontiers to endeavour the dis-
covery what the event is shall give your Honr an account p
The Convention for this Province is to meet att St Maries
the 29th instant when and where wee expect to see some of the
Seneckors and Susquihannas who have sent to this Govern-
ment expressing their desire to treat with us and to confirme
the former League of Friendship to which the Committee
returned them a very amicable answer signifying our readiness
to embrace and ratifie the same and that in case they could
not afford us an Interview att the next Convention then Care
should be taken for a convenient time and place as they should
appoint to that purpose.
If there be anything that your Honour thinks expedient to
be done or said to them in relation to your Government Be
pleased to intimate your desires and they shall be the measures
of our undertakings in yor behalfe.
I request your Honrs excuse for my confused Brevity in my
writing being occasioned by some Imbecillities and Indisposi-
tion of Body through a violent Feavour which att present
afflicts me soe humbly begg your Honours pardon for the
abruptness of
Your Honrs most humble servant
Longworth Point. Nea Blakiston.

7ber the 17th 1690.

from Maryland

P. R. O.

B. I. Vol. 2,
B. E.

At the Court at Whitehall
the 9th of October 1690.

The Lords of His Majestie's most honourable
Privy Council.

The Right Honourable the Lord Baltemore this day attending
His Majesty in Council, and having promised to send unto
Mr Attorney and Mr Solicitor Generall Copies of the Commis-
sion, Instructions and Powers, by which he acted as Governor
of Maryland in the Lifetime of his Father, it was ordered that
Mr Attorney and Mr Sollicitor Generall do peruse the said
Copies, and accordingly prepare such drafts of a Commission
and Instructions, to such Person as His Majesty shall please to
send Governor to Maryland, as they shall judge most con-
duceing to the good Government of the said Colony, taking
care that there be inserted therein a Salvo for His Majesty's
Right and Prerogative,
a true Copy
John Povey.

P. R. O.

Am. & W.
Vol. 27.

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
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