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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 206   View pdf image (33K)
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206 Records Illustrating the History of Maryland

P. R. O.
B. I. Vol. 2,

p. 40

John Courts to the President of Maryland.
Sept 16th 1690.

Capt Blakiston
Hond Sr
This day I recd a Letf from Major Smallwood directed to
Coll: Warren and myself where he desires our speedy assist-
ance to advise with him concerning a late Information given
him by the Emperor of Piscattua last night informed him that
all the Indians that hee sent to the Cinnekoes to confirm the
Peace are killed by some forreign Indians all but one which
one is returned and gives this Information: And alsoe there
is about the falls of Potomack River a great many strange
Indians and will not be spoke with by our Indians Insomuch
that all our Indians are upon their Guards, and does desire
immediate assistance from us according to our promise to
them given, this day I will goe to Coll: Warren, Capt Barton
and Capt Haskins And wee'l waite att Major Smallwood's for
your good Company, if possibly can be had which I am sure
will be a great satisfaction to the Emperor for you know the
late Government has been unkind to them. Pray Sr if you
cannot come to-morrow, pray lett us hear from you and give
us your Order to the future proceedings this being all I am to
informe you of from Sr in haste
Your humble servant
John Courts.
September the 16th 1690.

Recd from Capt Nicholson.
10th Febry 1690.

Longworth Point.
7ber the 17th 1690 from Maryland.
May it please yor Honr
I being appointed President of the Comittee for the present
Government of this Province I am to acquainte you with their
gratefull Recognition and due resentments of your Honrs
friendly readiness to maintaine a frequent correspondency
with this Government on all occasions relateing to their
Majties service assuring your Honr that if heretofore there has
been any remissness for the future wee'l endeavour to make
a Compensation by our more constant forwardness in pro-
moteing a Litterall Entercourse of all necessary Intelligencies.
The last night I received a Letter from Capt John Courts a
Coppy whereof I have sent to your Honrs purusall that the
Piscattua Indians doe complaine that their men (as in the said
Letter is specified) is killed, is certainly true, but by what

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 206   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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