England which teaches us to abhorre the traiterous position of
taking armes on pretence of their Majesties' service against
those comissionated by them, or their progenitors and to pray
against conspiracy and sedition) for not adhering and con-
senting to them, shall (in their own words) be used worse than
papists though onely the sense of our duty and doctrine of our
church obliges us nott to stand in their Councill, their nott
appearinge to us any necessity to justify risinge in armes.
Therefore the humble request of your subscriber for himselfe
and many other protestants true sonnes of the Church of Eng-
land (who I fear are or may be prevented from makinge pub-
lick addresses) is tht your Lordshipp would be pleased to
interceed for us to our gracious soveraign Lord and Lady tht
they would not leave their most stedfast and faithfull subjects
(who are of the same communion with their Majesties and
ready to evidence it by swearinge allegiance and every other
test or proofe) to the passions and lusts of such mean and
factious persons as now att present beare sway and daily
threaten and imprison us to prevent our addresses to their
Majesties. And that if it be their Majesties pleasure to send
any Governor with their own comission, yett we may not for our
peaceablenesse be accounted wantinge in duty but admitted
to testify our affections to their Majesties by servinge in such
employment as formerly in this Province and may be vindicated
from the unjust aspersions of disloyalty and papistry and tht
as wee are particulary threatend,soe their Majties would vouch-
safe us a signall and speedie protection which if it comes by
your Lordshipp's intercession will cause great thanksgiving to
God & prayers of many for your Lordshipp, but of specially
Your Lordshipp's most humble servant
Thomas Smithson.
From Mr Smithson.
Recd from my Lord Bishop of London
Ist Nov. 1690.
P. R. O.
B. I. Vol. 2,
B. E.
From the People of Maryd to the King.
Maryland Iuly 11th 1690.
Dread Soveraign,
Your Majestie's most gracious letter to this Province of the
ffirst of ffebry last came most acceptably to our hands the 30th
of May last, The receipt wherof wee the Grand Committee
(constituted by the Representatives of this Province in a Gen-
erall Convention for the Administration of publick Affaires till
your Majties' knowne pleasure or the next convention) have
with all humility undertaken, By which wee perceive wee are