Mr Smithson to the Bishop of London
Talbott County in Maryland
30th of Iune 1690.
My Lord,
The straights and difficulties tht the subscriber and many
other hear ly under have enforced this boldness of writinge
otherwise not justifiable and though the subscriber be nott yett
the cause for which he writes is worthy yr consideration and
this addresse had not been prefer'd by one alone nor to your
Lordshipp but immediately to their Majesties were it nott that
all people are openly threatened and severall (for endeavor-
inge a publick petition to sett forth the state of this province)
imprisoned by Iohn Coode, Ino Edmundson and other their
Associates who first by dispersinge untrue reports of great
armies of Indians and French papists invading us, did begett
unnecessary fears in the people and havinge disposed them
soe to mutiny afterwards made further insurrection and
extorted the lawfull government from the Lord Baltemore
seized his revenue and deteind it. Of which Coode and many
his accomplices to give a true character would seem soe like
revilinge tht it would not be acceptable to your Lordshipp to
hear. They dayly boast of the King's commission (meaninge
I suppose the King's letter and that they and their favorers
are owned the King's best subjects, and that they shall be
further confirmed and thereupon they) (Especially the said
Coode) in expresse tearmes threaten tht I and other my fellow
prisoners protestants (intirely concurring with the Church of