Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-89. 19
James, Indians belonging to him did the murther he is very
sorry and sayes he is much troubled and doe wish the English
had secured them, he sayes they are not among them but
heares they are fled. But that he will use his Diligence for
the taking and delivering of them up to the English forthwith,
Liber B.
P. R. O.
and doth request the English if they come among them to
secure them and if taken to give notice to prevent his further
trowble, he say very suddenly they shall have a great Matcha-
comico and if in the meantime the murtherers be not brought
in he will with the Rest of his great men take further care for
to bring them in and deliver them up according to Articles.
This abovewritten was declared by the Empr Mr Christopher
Nutter being Interpreter the day and year above written in
the presence of us Wm Brereton Ed: Day Wm Piper,
Xtop C N Nutter Inter: Wm Cartar, Fran: Jenkins Sher:
p. 146
Ordr Mr Jenkins
aga apply himself
to the Nant. Empr
The which proceedings of Mr Jenkins was
well approved of by the Board and ordered
that he again apply himself to the Empr of
Nanticoke and lett him know their Honors take very kindly his
answer touching the murther of the Englishman in Baltemore
County by two of his Indians and that according to his promise
they doe expect the delivery up of the Indians murtherers to
Justice and therefore desire he will take speedy and diligent
care for their apprehensions and delivery up accordingly.
Their Honore being informed the said murtherers are fled from
the English and therefore desire the Empr will use the more
Industry to take them, and that the said Mr Jenkins return an
accompt of his proceedings herein to their Honors at St Maryes
with all convenient speed.
At a Councill held at St Maryes the
5th day of Aprill 1688.
Coll: Thomas Tailler
Coll: Vincent Lowe
Coll: Henry Darnall
Coll: Wm Digges
Majr Nicho Sewall
Prisoners mak-
ing escape from
Virginia may
be taken in
The honbIe Coll. Wm Digges produced a Let-
ter to the Board from Coll: Spencer of Virginia
to himself directed desireing his Assistance in
the Retakeingf one Charles Webb who had
broke the Comon Goal in Westmerland County and escaped
into this Province, concerning which the said Coll: Digges