18 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-89.
Liber B.
P. R. O.
Right HonbIe the Lord Propty in the Office of his Lops Attorney
in the said County and doe his Lops profitt in all things that
belongeth to you to doe by way of your Office as far forth as
you can or may you shall not reveal or disclose his Lops Con-
cernes in any matter or cause whereby his Lop may suffer
detriment, you shall prosecute all offenders against the Peace
of the said County as they shall come to your knowledge
according to Law; you shall not advise or be of Councill with
any person or persons against his Lop in any matter or thing
tryable in the said County you shall endeavour truely to keep
his Lops Right and all that belongeth to him in the said
p. 145
County, you shall not assent to decrease, lessen or conceal
any of his Lops Rights or Franchises in. the said County or
whensoever you shall have knowledge that his Lops Rights
have been concealed or withdrawn bee it in Lands, Rents,
Franchises or Suites or any other things in this County afore-
said you shall to your true power make them to be restored
to his Lop again and if you may not do it you shall certifie his
Lops Justices of the Peace of the said County and his Lops Attor:
Genll of the Province, and further you shall use yourself in
the Office of Attorney for his Lop for the County aforesaid
according to the best of your skill & knowledge
Soe hejp you God
The which Oath was approved of by the Board and ordered
that the Justices of the respective County Courts Admr the
same to his Lops Attor: appted for such Crls before their admit-
Councill to ap-
prove of his Lops
Attor: for the Countyes,
And it was further ordered that such
persons the Attorney Genll shall appoint
to be his Lops Attorney in the severall
Countyes of the Province shall be first approved of by the
Mr Ienkins
made return
his Ambass:
to theNant. Empr
Then was read what had been done in rela-
tion to the murther of the Nanticoke Indians
on the English man in Baltemore County and
was well approved of by the Board and Mr Fran: Jenkins made
return of his and his Assistance proceedings with the Empr of
Nanticoke about the said Indians murtherers pursuant to an
order of this Board of the 13th of March last which is as foll:
March 24th 1687/8.
This day at the house of Mr Charles Hutchins in Nanticoke
upon a Treaty with the Empr concerning the murther of
Enock, the Empr did acknowledge about four dayes since he
did hear of it (but was from the Town a hunting) and that
Annachohill or the White Indian and Sonan called in English