Baltemore &c: to all to whom these Presents shall come greet-
ing in our Lord God everlasting. Know yee that wee repose-
ing especiall Trust and Confidence in the Fidelity and Circum-
spection of our Trusty & Welbeloved Willm Dent Gentl have
constituted ordained deputed and assigned and by these
presents doe hereby constitute, ordain, depute and assign him
the said Wm Dent our Solicitor Genll in all our Courts of
Record within our said Province of Maryland to have, hold
and exercise the said Office of our Sollicitor Genll to him the
said Wm Dent during our Pleasure and to take and receive in
and for exercising the same Office, the Wages, Fees, Perqui-
sites and Regards belonging to the said Office, rendring
unto us or to our Lieut Genll or Cheife Governr for the time
being a true and perfect accompt of what shall accrew to us.
In Testimony whereof wee have caused these our Letters to
be made Patts Given at St Maryes under the great seal of
our said Province of Maryland the 3rd day of Aprill in the
xiiith yeare of our Dom: Witness our Trusty and Welbeloved
Cousin Hen: Darnall Esqre Keeper of our said great seal.
p. 144