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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 176   View pdf image (33K)
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176 Records Illustrating the History of Maryland

P. R. O.

Col. Entry
Vol. 52.

of Maryland hath been lately murdered in the execution of
his office by some Papists confederates with Major Seawell
late Deputy Governor of that Province and that the Malefac-
tors making their escape into Virginia some of them are
seized and in custody there and Warrants are issued out for
apprehending the others, we have thought fit hereby to signify
our will and Pleasure that you do all that in you lies for the
punishment of so heinous a crime and bringing the said
Offenders to speedy Iustice within our Province of Maryland
if the Fact shall appear to have been committed there In
which case if any of the malefactors shall have made their
escape into Virginia or other neighbouring Colonys you are
to make application in our name to the Commanders in Chief
there that they may be conveyed in safe custody into our said
Province of Maryland there to receive a speedy tryall that
justice may be done upon them And in case the Fact shall
have been committed within our dominion of Virginia, you
are then forthwith to send thither such of the Criminalls as
shall be found in our said Province of Maryland that they may
be there proceeded against according to Law And we bid you
Farewell. From our Court at Whitehall the 26th Day of Aprill
1690. In the 2nd year of our reign
By his Majty's Command.

p. 164

Extract of a letter from Coll: Bacon President of the Coun-
cill of Virginia to the Committee received the 9th of May 1690.

My Lords,
I doubt not but your Lordships have long since had an
account of our neighbour Colony Maryland that some of the
Protestants there tooke the Government out of the hands of
the President and Councill put in by the Lord Baltemore the
Proprietor and tooke on them the Government and imprisoned
divers of the Papists and others the President and Major
Nickolas Seawell one of the Councell retired with one Coll:
William Diggs a protestant who lives in Maryland and was
one of the councell there, to a house of Coll: Diggs in this
Government. My Lords tht which occasions me to give you
this account of Maryland is tht Major Seawell the beginning
of Ianuary goeing up in a small yatch or pleasure boate to his
house in Potuxent River in Maryland went on shore and he
being on shore one Mr Iohn Paine their Majestie's collector of
that River came in the night with two boates and men towards
the said Yatch and the men in her bid them stand off and not
come on board, for if they did they would fire at them and he
endeavouring to come on shore, the men in the yatch fired

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 176   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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