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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 177   View pdf image (33K)
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in the Years 1689-90. 177

and unfortunately killed Mr Paine there were severall gunns
fired on both sides and one of the men in the yatch much
wounded. My Lords as soone as I had notice of it and that
the Yatch was in this Government I caused the men that were
on board her to be apprehended and they have been examined
before myself and the Councell, a Coppy of which examina-
tions I herewith transmitt to your Lordships as also the the
Examination of Iohn Reeveley who was in one of the boates
with Mr Paine, which is all wee can heare of within this Gov-
ernment tht was in the boate with him. My self and the Coun-
cell after Examinacion have ordered the Person to be secured
here untill wee receved Commands from his Majesty whether
they shall be tryed here or how disposed of,
One MrIohn Coode who is the Chief Actr in the manage-
ment of affaires in Maryland wrott to me and demanded the
persons to be dilivered him and in his Letter says that the
accident hapned in the day time and that Mr Paine the Col-
lector was goeing on board to search the said yatch and soe
was murdered, the others say it was in the night and Mr Paine
came as a Captain appointed by Mr Coode to take them and
the yatch with armed men the truth of all will appeare upon
the Tryall, but myself and the Councill did not think fitt to
deliver them to Capt Coode any other untill wee receive his
Majesties Commands what shall be done in the same Now
my Lords my humble request and the Councells to your
Lordships is that your Lordships will acquaint his Majestie
with the Matter & that wee may receive orders how to act
therein Right Honble
Your Lordships most humble
Nathaniell Bacon Pr

P. R. O.
Col. Entry
Vol. 52.

Mr Iohn Coode to the Secretarys of State

Maryland May 14th 1690.
May it please your Lordshipps,
I have made bold to trouble your Lordshipps by severall
Letters whereby I have fully represented the present state and
circumstances of this their Majestie's Province, Wee have
not hitherto the happiness to know the Royall pleasure con-
cerning us, however have to the best of our Abilities exprest
our utmost becoming duty for their Majesties' service, Our
present concernment is for the Public Saftie against the inroads
and danger wee are in of the Canada French and their Indians
who (as I have already presumed to informe your Lordshipps)
have not onely destroyed Schanagtede a Towne neare Albany
and committed a greate and Barbarous Massacre there upon

P. R. O.

B. I. Vol. 2,
B. E.

p. 12

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
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