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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 175   View pdf image (33K)
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in the Years 1689-90. 175

one Major Seawell late Deputy Governor there, by a shott from
on board a yatch belonging to the said Seawell that the malefac-
tors making their escape into Virginia some of them are now
seized and in custody there and thereupon humbly praying
that speedy Iustice may be done upon the malefactors. Wee
have likewise seen severall letters and Copies of letters from
Mr Coode who is now Chief in the Government of Maryland
on your Majesty's behalf and from Coll: Bacon President of
the Councell in Virginia by which it appears that the said
murder was committed in the manner alleadged by the Peti-
tioner, that some of the criminalls are in custody in Virginia and
Warrants issued out for apprehending the others so tht we have
only to offer to your Majesty that in Order to the punishment of
so heinous a Crime your Majesty do cause letters to be pre-
pared for your Royall signature unto the Lt. Governor and
Councill of Virginia & to Mr Coode & such as may be in the
administration of the Government of Maryland that the male-
factors may be brought to a speedy tryall either in Virginia or
Maryland where the Fact shall appear to have been com-
mitted and that Iustice may be done as to Law shall apper-
tain e
All which is most humbly submitted
Councill Chamber
17th Aprill 1690.

P. R. O.
Col. Entry
Vol. 52.

At the Court at Whitehall the 24th Aprill 1690
Present the King's most excellent Majesty in Councill.

The Right Honble the lords of the Committee for Trade and
Plantations having this day presented a Report to his Majesty
at the Board in the words following vitz.

May it please your Majesty
His Majesty in councill was pleased to approve the said
Report and to order that one of his Majesty's Principall Secre-
tarys of State do forthwith prepare letters for his Majesty's
Royall signature to the Leut. Governor and Councill of Vir-
ginia and to the Present Government of Maryland as is pro-
posed in the said Report.

p. 170

The King's letter to the Government of Maryland
upon Mr Payne's death. 26 April 1690

William R.
Trusty and welbeloved we greet you well Whereas we are
informed by the Petition of Doctor William Payne that his
Brother Iohn Payne Collector of Our customs in our Province

p. 171

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
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