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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 174   View pdf image (33K)
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174 Records Illustrating the History of Maryland

P. R. O.

Col. Entry
Vol. 52.

signally manifested his Loyalty and good affections to your
Majesties cause in the late Protestant Association in which he
was a Captain of Foot was on the third day of Ianry last mur-
dered in the execution of his Office by some Papists confed-
erate with one Major Seawell a late popish Governor there on
board a yatch belonging to the said Seawell which by his
order refused to submitt to your Majestie's authority and
when the said Iohn Payne came in your Majestie's name to
search the said yatch according to his office, they shot him
dead in his boate and then fired upon his men and persued
them towards the shore but afterwards they fled to Virginia
which the said yatch where some of them are taken and put
into custody.
Your Peticioner therefore prayes the speedy justice may be
done upon those Traytors and murderers and that your
Majesty will be pleased to give order for the tryall of those
who are taken and the apprehending of the others as Your
Majestie in your wisdom shall think fit
And that Peticioner shall ever Pray.

p. 172

At the Committee for Trade and Plantations
At the Councill Chamber at Whitehall
the 17th of Aprill 1690.

Lord President Earl of Fauconbridge
Earl of Pembroke Lt Genll of the Ordinance
Earl of Nottingham Mr Comptroller
Earl of Torrington Master of the Rolles

The Right HonbIe the Lords of the Committee for Trade
and Plantations having received the Petition of Dr Payne
setting forth tht his Brother Iohn Payne his Majesty's Collector
in Maryland had been murdered there in Ianuary last in the
execution of his office their Lordships order a copy of Dr
Payne's Petition to be sent to the Right Honble the Lords Com-
missioners of his Majesty's Treasury for their Lordship's
information to the end their Lordships may give directions for
the appointing another Collector in his stead.

p. 169

Report concerning the murther of Mr Payne
Collector of Maryland. 17 April 1690

May it please your Majesty,
We have examined the Petition of Dr William Payne setting
forth tht his brother Iohn Payne your Majesty's Collector in the
Province of Maryland in America was in Ianuary last murdered
in the execution of his office by some Papists confiderates with

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
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