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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 173   View pdf image (33K)
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in the Years 1689-90. 173

from Coll: Steed present Governor of tht Island tht by the
courage and resolution of tht Government they have not onely
preserved themselves but have made considerable attempts
upon the French and taken Marygall and St Bartholemews
and St. Martins and question not to carry Martinen and St.
Tophars from New Yorke the present Governor there informes
tht the Canada French have Barbarously massacred the Inhab-
itants of Scharnecksteed a towne neare Albany, The forces of
New Yorke are in pursuite of the enemies have sent hither and
to Virginia for some assistance The Virginia Government
will not be concerned, howsoever wee of this Province are
necessatated to contribute the best we can against soe dan-
gerous and known an Enemie having certaine Intelligence
from some prisoners tht they will suddenly attempt
Province and Pensulvania of whens we are in dayly expecta-
tion and have made preparations for which wee are
in great want at present of ammunition the late
Governors had not in the publick Magazine (when the Gov-
ernment was surrendered) above 400 lbs of powder and about
4000 lbs shott and 400 fire armes have however from private
stores provided to defend the Province till recruits come
which wee hope by the Shipping those Ships tht have been
long in the country are cleared to Virginia to joyne the
fleet home ward bound by appoyntment of that Government
onely Fyfield and Whitson sailed directly for England with
the necessary account to your Lordships of the present estate
of Affaires in this Province. I make bold to assure your Lord-
shipp tht as I have the Chiefest trust reposed in me by the
souldiery and convention soe will to the hazard of all tht is
valuable and neare to me discharge the same for his Majesty's
service and the security of this Province and the Inhabitants
thereof begging your Lordshipp's pardon for this trouble,
I am
May it please your Lordshipps
Your Lordshipps most faithfully Obedient
and humble servant
Iohn Coode.

From Mr Coode to the Secretary of State
24th March 1690
Read in Councill 26th Iune 1690.

P. R. O.

B. I. Vol. 2,
B. E.

To the King's most excellet Majesty
The humble petition of William Payne. D. D.
That your Peticioner and brother Iohn Payne Esqre your
Majesties late collector in the Province of Maryland who had

P. R. O.

Col. Entry
Vol. 52,
p. 163

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
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