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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 172   View pdf image (33K)
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172 Records Illustrating the History of Maryland

P. R. O.

B. I. Vol. 2,
B. E.

back or secured for Iustice or from doing further mischiefe to
their Majestie's Protestant subjects on this side but have noe
satisfactory answer, instead thereof one of their Majesties'
evidence with the said Paine when the murder was committed
and some time after being in Virginia was apprehended and
imprisoned and we heare putt in Irons. Mr Christopher
Rousby tht preceeded Mr Paine in said Office of Collector had
the same tragicall end being barbarously murdered by one
Coll: Geo: Talbot an Irish papist and Chiefe Governor here
after Lord Baltemore had endeavored by false informations
and suggestions before the King & Councill to deprive him
of his life, I doe withall humbly lay this naked and true account
of this affair before your Lordshipps that your Lordshipps
may not be surprised nor our true zeale and endeavors for
their Majesties service receive any diminution from those
staggering gentleman of tht Government tht have made them-
selves soe highly interested in tht affaire And will doubtless
endeavor to justifie their late unkindness and injustice to us
by all sorts of Artifice, This your Lordshipps may be assured
is the onely person that hath received any corporall harme
since our first appearing and declaring for King William the
souldiers being verry carefully and industriously prevented
from committing any outrage upon the perpetrating of tht
murder nor any papist or other plundered by any person what-
soever All Charges paid by a provinciall Convention of the
Representatives of the Province which is to meet againe the
first day of Aprill In the meantime with all dutifull humility
and becoming loyallty Wee are in earnest expectation of his
Majesty's gracious pleasure relating to us without which nothing
cann make us happy Wee therefore againe humbly request
your Lordshipps favourable representation of our condition to
his Majesty haveing noe other as wee cann have noe better to
interceed or speak in our behalfe from the difficulties that have
rendered our sending any Agents hence doubtfull and dan-
gerous from the want of shipping here upon our first motion
and the french Pyratts interposeing being moreover in dayly
expectation of his Majesty's particular care of this Province
dissability and povertie of a distressed people under a long
tirannack arbitary Government notwithstanding which disad-
vantages wee not in the least doubt his Majesty's gracious
acceptation of our dutifull endeavours for his Majestie's Ser-
vice which have been managed without any sort of Selfe
Interest or Cruelty towards our Enemies or Oppressors
against whom wee are and shall be ready to make good our
just complaint when thereunto required.
As to publick affaires relating to his Majesties Service in
America, wee have this advice from Barbadoes in a Letter

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
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