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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 171   View pdf image (33K)
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in the Years 1689-90. 171

and the publick safety though I have omitted nothing con-

duceing to the preservation of the peace and security of their
Majesties Province till a further settlement or Order from
their Majesties some of our late deputies under Lord Balte-
mores commission escaped hereupon into Virginia and were (as
they are still) sheltered by tht Government from whence (notwith-
standing that Government had from my Selfe an express an Ac-
count of their circumstances and was verry earnestly requested
to secure them) they are permitted to have frequent returns
into this Province with men and Armes as oppertunity pre-
sented and notwithstanding our uttmost Endeavors and dilli-
gence to prevent and obviate all danger from them Mr Iohn
Paine his Majesties Collector here a true Loyall Couragious
and zealous protestant was most barbarously murthered by
them, I have presumed to trouble your Lordshipps and their
Majesties commissioners with what hath passed relating to tht
affaire and those fugatives fled thither for protection by the
Abraham and lames Captain Fyfield Comamder and the Barke
Maryland mercht. of Biddiford Captain Marke Whitson Com-
mander which I doe humbly Offer to remind your Lordshipps
by this, Major Richard Seawell sonn to the Lady Baltemore
one of the late deputy Governors and secretaries of this Prov-
ince (with others whom wee have sufficient to accuse of
tyranack and treasonable practices) fled with a small yacht
with armes and ammunition into Virginia from whence
returned suddenly againe into this Province, upon his returne
came a shore In the intrim the said Mr Paine Collector in a
small boate with four men went on board and civilly demand-
ing and reasoning with them of their comeing and goeing into
and from this Province without due report entering or clear-
ing the King's Officers, was immediately shott dead, the rest
with him in the boate with much difficulty saved their lives
being pursued to the verry shore where they saved themselves
by the shoalness of the water and some defence they made
with some fire Armes they had in the boate, the murderers
(with the yacht escaped into Virginia, Seawell was then a shore
when the fact was committed but suddenly fled back allsoe
into Virginia where he is still at libertie, Onely four then in
the yacht I have an account of from Mr Nathal Bacon that they
are in custody after severall messages and expresses from
hence relateing to them, Off said Seawell I have this to say
and cann prove by sufficient evidence tht he menaced the said
Paine's death before the fact tht he gave particular Orders for
what was done and tht after his return to Virginia he owned
and justified the doeing of it, All this I have often in severall
letters laid before the Government and have earnestly begged
tht the murderer together with the other fugatives may be sent

P. R. O.


B. I. Vol. 2,
B. E.

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
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