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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 170   View pdf image (33K)
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170 Records Illustrating the History of Maryland

P. R. O.

especially advised to in Letters hince to yor Honrs and the
Comissionrs of his Majties Customs.
I am in all fidellity
Yr Ldps most humble Servt
Jno Coode.
18th Febry 1689/90
From Mr Coode to the Secry of State.
Recd the 14th Aprill 1690.
Referrs to another inclosed, the murder
of Mr Payne the King's Collector
A Particular acct of it sent to the Commrs
of the Customs.

P. R. O.

B. I. Vol. 2,
B. E.
p. 11

Iohn Coode to the Secretary of State
March 24th 1690.
St. Maries County in Maryland.

May it please your Lordships,
I have presumed by severall conveyances to give your
Lordships an account of the proceedings of their Majesties
protestant subjects in this Province for their Majesties service
(to witt) by Captain William Burnham Commander of the
Constant bound for London and Captain William Iohnson
commander of the Content bound likewise for London, in the
declaration and addresse of the Officers and souldiers then in
Armes in this Province, By Iohn Crouchee Comander of the
Brigantine Happy returne of New Yorke bound for Papsam
in the generall addresse from the respectatives of the whole
Province in a full and free convention with a duplycate of the
same by Captain Thomas Everitt commander of the Thomas
and Susannah bound for London.
I have presumed likewise to second there with an Account
of the same in a Letter to your Lordships including an Answer
to your Lordshipps Packett intimateing his Majesties Com-
mands by Captain Samuell Gilham Commander of the Keetch
Crane being a summary account of those sent by the aforesaid
Vessell by Captain Samuell Ellis, commander of the barke
Mary of Maryland bound for London Allsoe the declaration
and addresse and Coppies of former letters and papers
(allready sent your Lordshipps) sent by the said Gillam, By
all which your Lordshipps may see I have omitted noe opertun-
ity to make knowne our present circumstances and numbly
begg your Lordships favourable representation of our Case
-and condition to their Majesties. Since these wee have been
much disquieted and disturbed by the Papists and the discon-
tents of tht faction against their Majesties knowne Interest

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 170   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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