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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 169   View pdf image (33K)
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in the Years 1689-90. 169

for being Enemies to their Majties Interests and Subjects, if it
be pretended that here is noe lawfull Government then there
is not, nor can be any other at presnt in this Province, the late
governing authority being disabled upon the above Accot5 of
being Papists by the Kings Proclamation to America, if that
relates not to Maryland, his Majties Officrs for his Customs here
have no commission since the late King James his abdication,
which t'is unreasonable to imagine. I write not this to inform
your Honors but to desire you would be pleased to apprehend
that wee know our duty which has obliged our lives & for-
tunes for the service of King William and Queene Mary I am
Yr Friend
Jno Coode
Commandr of the Military Affairs
in Maryland.
Our Messenger misrepresd the date of my Letter.

From Mr Coode to Mr Bacon.
Recd 14th Aprill 1690
from Mr Coode.
He solicites the securing and
sending back Mr Sewall & others.

Captain Nicholson's receipt for the
Letter to Maryland.
18th Febry 1689.

Received then of William Blathwayt Esqre a letter under his
Majesty's Signet directe to such as for the time being take care
for preserving the seall and Administrating the Laws in His
Majesty's Province of Maryland in America, which letter is put
into my hands to be sent with care to Maryland upon my
arrivall in Virginia.
Fr Nicholson.

18th Febry 1689.

P. R. O.


From Mr Coode to the Secry of State.
Maryland. 18th of Febry 1689.

May it please yor Honrs
These enclosed from myself to your Honors being a Letter
of account of Letters to yourselves whereto this is especially
referred. The late murder committed upon His Majtie in his
Representative Mr Payne is begged the consideration of and

P. R. O.

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-1693
Volume 8, Page 169   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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