16 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-89.
Liber B.
P. R. O.
had well behaved himself in his Sherifalty yet he was removed
by order of Councill (and that very odly obtained) and a per-
son appointed to succeed who, (as I assured) is no very
responsible man, which is a dishonour to my Government and
may be a mischeif to the Inhabitants of that County. Such
things as these you may remember I was not willing to suffer
when I was with you, for I ever took care to continue good
men in their places as an encouragement to such to continue
Just and faithfull, the contrary practise will much reflect upon
To my Deptyes
of Maryland
to be read
at a full
Government and therefore I hope you will take
care to encourage good men and by that means
both I and the people there will be well served;
the Province will flourish and you will all be happy
which untill I see you is all from
Your assured Friend
C. Baltemore
Rob: Carvile
appted Attor:
Was presented to the Board a Letter from his
Lop to Mr Robert Carvile directed which being read
it therein appears that his Lop approves of the said
Mr Carviles being Attorney General and likewise his Lop
therein nominates Mr Wm Dent to be Solicitor General where-
upon ordered the said Mr Carvile have a Comisso to be Attor-
ney Genll and that the said Mr Dent have a Comisso to be
Solicitor Genll the which were drawn and issued as foll:
Pattent to
Rob: Carvile
Att. Genll
p. 143
Charles absolute Lord and Propty of the Provinces
of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore
to all to whom these presents shall come greeting
in our Lord God everlasting. Know yee that wee reposeing
especiall Trust and Confidence in the Fidelity and Circum-
spection of our trusty and welbeloved Robert Carvile Esqre
have constituted, ordained, deputed and assigned and by these
presents doe hereby constitute, ordain, depute and assign
him the said Robert Carvile our Attorney Genll in all our
Courts of Record within our said Province of Maryland to
have, hold and exercise the said office of our Attorney Genll to
him the said Robert Carvile dureing our pleasure, and to take
and receive in and for exercising the same Office the Wages,
Fees, Perquisites and reguards belonging to the said Office.
Wee have given alsoe and by these presents doe give to the
said Robert Carvile full power and authority to make, ordain
and depute such Clks and Officers under him in any of our
Courts as to him shall seem meet soe that our business shall
not be neglected or omitted from time to time rendring unto
us or to our Lieut Genll or chief Governr for the time being a