to take good Bayle for the said Porters appearance from
Court to Court, untill you hear next from me which will be
perhaps punishment enough for him in case the evidence be
not of good repute, as you seem to write he is not; and in
Regard the Divisional Lyne betwixt Virginia and Maryland is
not yet quite run out; I think it not convenient anything
should be done in that Business of Captain Whittington's
untill I can be with you, which you may assure the said
Whittington will be (God willing) sometime 8ber next and
then I will endeavour the settling that matter which is all the
answer I can give at this time to the Contents of your Letter.
And now it will be very necessary that I take notice to you of
some proceedings there which are not at all warranted by any
Comisso I gave you upon my leaving Maryland. In the first
place the former Clk of my Councill John LLewellin having
for some great Insolencies and Misdemeanours there, bin
removed from those places he had under me by the Gentl:
whom I had particularly impowered under my hand and seal
to displace and place Clks as they should see cause (which
Comisso1 sent from Virginia and) as I am very certain) is upon
the Record there) yet I find the same person afterwards is
chosen and by you appointed CJk of the Assembly, which you
had noe power to doe, besides that you did a thing therein
contrary to a Comisso which you very well know I had given
to four of my Deptys only; this I take very unkindly from you
and were it not that there was an Act passed that Assembly
for the paying the Publick Leavy (which was then very great)
I would not I assure you take any notice of what was enacted
at the Sessions, for you had noe Comisso to nominate any
person for Clk that power being left by me in the hands of
only Coll. Darnall, Coll: Digges, Maj: Nicho Sewall and Mr
John Darnall. In the next place I take notice that Coll.
Henry Coursey was chosen Speaker of the Upper House of
Assembly which was without any Comisso likewise he being
not one of the Deptyes but only Chief Justice of the Provinciall
Court I hope you will take care not to act for the future con-
trary to those Comisso I left and gave you upon my coming
from the Government. In confidence I am willing and doe
Liber B.
P. R. O.
p. 141
give my consent to those Laws I sent last being resolved to
return to my Province the next September, and then to settle
many things that I find want my Presents there, and in the
meantime lett me recomend that Unity amongst yourselves
that soe my affairs may not suffer, nor the Reputation and
honour of my Government be reflected on, which you will
endanger in case Comissions under my hand and seal be not
observed. I cannot but take notice of a Complaint sent me
by one Sweatman late Sheriff of Kent County, who though he
p. 142