14 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/ 8-89.
Liber B.
P. R. O.
Ordr to sumo
Coll: Wells, Miles
Gibson & Gabll
Parrett abt Mr
This Board in obedience to the aforegoing
Letter in favour of Mr Thompson from his
Lop ordered that the Wife of the said Mr
Thompson be sumo to appear hear the next
p. 140
Fro: Court and to bring all Bills and Papers relateing to the
Complaint made by her husband to his Lop and that the Clk
of Baltemore County return a Transcript of the whole pro-
ceedings that has been had between the aforesaid Thompson,
Coll: Wells, Miles Gibson and Mr Parrett and that the said
Wells, Gibson and Parrett be all sufnoned to appear at same
His LoP
Lre in faV
John Standly
time to answer the said Complaint, all which sum0
accordingly issued was produced and read the
following Letter from his Lop in favour of John
The bearer John Standly being the nephew of Mr Hugh
Standly that dyed in Maryland, and now the Rightfull heire
to the Lands formerly belonging to the said Hugh Standly
deced has requested my Recomendation to you, that you will
afford him all lawfull assistance & favour, that thereby he may be
possessed quietly of what his uncle possesed to all which he is
(as I am very well satisfied) the right Heyre; I have assured
him of your Justice and Kindness herein which pray afford him,
that soe he may have a Benefit of this Recomendation from
Your loveing Friend
C: Baltemore.
London Sepr the 4th 1687.
To the honble Vincent Lowe Esqre
and the rest of the Deptys of Maryland
To which their honrs shewed all ready Complyance.
His Lops
Lre to the
Was produced and read the foll: Lre from his Lop
London November 2nd 1687.
It is now time I should acknowledge my haveing received
yor Letter, dated the 5th of March last in which you desire to
be satisfied whether it would be safe for me to try there that
Giles Porter, who, you mention had spoken severall ill things
of his present Majestie I have had the opinions of severall
Lawyrs about it, and doe find that some of them speak very
doubtfully as to my power of trying him there and for this
reason it was that I sent not an answer to you sooner; there-
fore untill I have further satisfaction herein you may doe well