Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-89. 13
him for all that he had formerly ought him as if nothing at all
had been ever paid by him, and has executed a servant as
alsoe a good part of his other Estate, still alleadging he is not
yet half satisfied. He alsoe informes me that makeing up
accounts with Mr Miles Gibson before he departed Maryland
there was due to Gibson about two hhds of Tobacco which he
affirmeth was paid by his Wife to the said Gibson, notwith-
standing which he likewise obtaines an order against his Estate
and has seized an other servant and some part of his goods
and still complaines Mr Thompson is in his debt.
One Gab" Parrott obtaines likewise a Judgement for 6338lb
of Tobacco against his Estate there; when as he ought not a
pound of Tobacco to the said Parrott, as he assures me, but
does acknowledge he had some Bills sent him by this Parrett
which he desired him to receive for him, and of which" he does
alsoe acknowledge to have received the sum of 2200lb and noe
more, which he is accomptable for; and his Wife (with whom
Liber B.
P. R. O.
he left the rest of the Bills) was and is ready to deliver up
what of the said Bills are remaining in her hands unpaid;
which he conceiveth to be all he was obliged to doe; but yet
Judgement as he says was given against him for the whole
sum as if he had really been soe much indebted to the said
Parrett—Thus you have the State of his Case as you have
given it me here, he adding this more that at his leaveing
Maryland he had there to the vallue of 130l worth in goods, all
which and two servants besides four hhds of Tobacco paid
away, has not been sufficient as he has been used, to satisfie
and discharge a debt of only four hhds of Tobacco which he
protests sollemnly was all he ought any person when he last
left the Province, now I say if Mr Thompson has not been
misinformed from thence this proceeding and usage is very
odd and severe and does call for yor speedy Justice which I
desire you will afford him by a rehearing of these matters and
lett his Wife or his Attorney there be fairly heard, that soe he
may not be ruined in his Estate there, herein I doubt not of
your care, as likewise of your affording him all law full Assisi-
ance & favour for I have both a kindness for him & respect
for his Family and soe I rest
Your loveing Friend
Postcript. Ch: Baltemore
p. 139
His Lop dis-
claimes Wm
Green Lands.
I doe hereby signifie that I disclaim any title to
the Land of Wm Green which lyes in the Freshes of
Puttuxent contg about 700 Acres there being an
heir that now appears here of whom Mr James Thompson
is about buying the said Land.
C. Baltemore
Superscribed to the honble
the Deptys of Maryland.