12 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1687/8-89.
Liber B.
P. R. O.
At a Councill held at the City of St Maryes
the 3rd day of Aprill 1688.
Coll: Thomas Tailler
Coll. Vincent Lowe
The honble Coll. Henry Darnall
Coll. Wm Digges
Majr Nicho: Sewall.
His Lops Lre
in favour
of Mr Tra-
Was produced and read the following Letter
from his Lop vizt
The bearer hereof Mr Mathew Travers being resolved on a
Voyage for Maryland there to endeavour to recover his Right
of severall persons that have Effects belonging to him in their
hands has requested these lynes in his favour; you are there-
fore desired to afford him your Countenance and what lawfull
Assistance you can in his affairs there, that thereby he may be
able to get what is his due from any person that resides in my
Province haveing assured him of your speedy Justice in all
matters he shall cause to be brought before you & soe I rest
Your loving friend
London 8ber 17th 1687. C. Baltemore
To the Honble the Depty
Govrs of Maryland.
p. 138
To which Letter their honors shewed all ready Complyance.
His Lops Letter
in favr Mi-
Was produced and read the following Letter
from his Lop in favour of Mr James Thompson
London Sepr 28th 1687.
haveing received a Complaint from Mr James Thompson
of some unkind measure and dealing he understands his Wife
and his Brother Tasker has been shewn him in his concernes
there dureing this time of his Absence from thence; I have
been requested to represent his Case and to require yor Justice
that soe he may be redressed before he suffer further in his
Estate there, in short he acquaints me that haveing made up
his accounts with Coll: George Wells before he left Maryland
the Ball: of which being between 8 or 900lb of Tobacco for
which he gave him a Bill with an Order to his Wife to pay it;
who (as he is assured) did satisfie the same—Yet notwith-
standing the said Wells has obtained an order of Court against