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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 86   View pdf image
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86 Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1678.

Liber W. H.
& L.

houses of this present Genrall Assembly and the Authority of
the same That these Acts bee and are hereby repealed vizt one
Act made att a Generall Assembly held att St Inagoes fort the
second day of January 1646 Entituled an Act touching Judica-
ture one Act made att an Assembly held the 4th of March 1647
Entituled an Act touching Pagans one other Act made att an
Assembly held Anno 1649 & 1650 Entituled an Act pro-
hibitting the Transportacon or Sale of his Lordships Ordi-
nances Amunicons goods Chatties &ca one other Act made att
the same Assembly Entituled an Act against Fugitives one
other Act made att the same Assembly Entituled an Act
touching hoggs and markeing Cattle one other Act made att
a Generall Assembly Anno 1650 Entituled an Act Concerning
the Registring of Births marriages and Burialls one other Act
made att a Generall Assembly held Anno 1661 Concerning the
killing of wild Cattle one other Act made att a Generall
Assembly held Anno one thousand six hundred sixty two
Entituled an Act Concerning proceedings att Law one other
Act made att a Generall Assembly begun the fifteenth day of
September Anno one thousand six hundred sixty three &
adjourned to the second Tuesday in October Anno one thou-
sand six hundred sixty four Entituled An Act imposeing a
penalty on all such who shall dispose of Tobacco Received by
the Sherriff or others an other Act made att the same Assembly
Entituled An Act for the Explanacon of a Clause of an Act
Touching hoggs and markeing of Cattle one other Act made
att an Assembly held att St Maryes the tenth of Aprill one
thousand six hundred sixty six Entituled An Act impowering
the Governour and Councill to make Warr or Peace with any
Indian Enemy beyond the bounds of this Province An Act
made att a Generall Assembly held the thirteenth day of Aprill
Anno one thousand six hundred seventy and four Entituled an
Act against Prophaneing the Sabbath day An other Act of
Assembly made the fifteenth of May one thousand six hundred
seventy and Six Entituled An Act for the Releife of Anne
Cawood widdow and her Children one other Act made att the
same Assembly Entituled An Act for the Provideing for the
Security and defence of this Province An other Act made att
the same Assembly Entituled An Act Concerning Ordinary
Keepers one other Act made att the same Assembly Entituled
An Act against Exportacon of Corne An other Act made att
the same Assembly Entituled An Act to prevent vnnecessary

p. 165

delayes of Execucons one other Act made att the same
Assembly Entituled An Act for the Reviveing of Certain
Lawes within this Province—

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 86   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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