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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 85   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings., October—November 1678. 85

survive his Lordship one other Act made att the same Assembly
Concerning the will of Leivt John Jarboe one other Act made att
the same Assembly Entituled An Act for settling the Inheritance
of the Reall Estate of Robert Cager as alsoe his personall estate
to the Major Recorder Aldermen & Comon Councill of the Citty
of St Maryes and their Successors to the vses in the said
Robert Cagers will menconed one other Act made att the
same Assembly for Limitacon of officers fees one other Act
made att the same Assembly Entituled an Act for punishing
a Certain abuse comitted by Henry Ward of Caecill County
Gentleman against the Right Honble the Lord Propry and the
Publick one other Act made att the same Assembly entituled
An Act for Repeale of Certain Lawes and alsoe for Ascer-
taining what Lawes are of force within this Province (Except
such Acts as by an Act made this Assembly Entituled an Act
for Repeale of Certain Lawes doe stand Repealed) And one
other Act made att the same Assembly Entituled an Act for
payment and assessing the Publick Charge of this Province be
and are hereby Ratified and Confirmed to all intents and pur-
poses according to the true intent and meaning thereof Pro-
vided that this Act or any thing therein Contained shall not be
Construed or adjudged to give power or Liberty to any Sher-
riffe of this Province to take demand Exact or Receive of any
person or persons whatsoever for any arrest of any person
whatsoever being in his Custody one houre lesse then four
and twenty houres above the sume of thirty five pounds of
Tobacco vnder the penalty as in the Act thereof is Conteyned
And for the better Explanacon of that Act for officers fees
Bee itt Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That for the future
noe officer or officers in the said Act menconed shall by vertue
thereof Leavy any Execucon vppon the goods or body of any
person whatsoever for any fees in the said Act mentioned with-
out first delivering a true & Just accompt of the fees aforesaid
vnder the hand or hands of such officer or officers to the person
or persons from whom such fees are Demanded And if any
officer or officers shall Charge any fees for any matter or thing
where the said persons never had or Received the same or
shall doe any Matter or thing Contrary directly or indirectly to
the intent & meaning of the said Act shall loose and forfeit as

Liber W. H.
& L.

in the same Act is already Provided This Act endure for three
yeares or to the end of the next Generall Assembly which shall
first happen

An Act for Repeale of Certain Lawes—

Bee itt Enacted by the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary by
and with the advice and Consent of the upper and lower

p. 164

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 85   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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