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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 87   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1678. 87

An Act for payment and assessing the Publick Charges
of this Province

Whereas There hath been Eight hundred twenty five thou-
sand Nyne hundred Seventy Nyne pounds of Tobacco Ex-
pended layd out & disbursed by severall of the Inhabitants of
this Province in the late Expedicon against the Nanticoke
Indians and other the necessary Charges of this Province
which hath been Examined stated and allowed by the upper
and lower houses of this present Generall Assembly To the
intent therefore That the same may bee satisfyed and payd to
those persons to whom the same is due Bee itt Enacted by the
Right Honble the Lord Proprietary by and with the advice and
Consent of the upper and lower houses of this present Generall
Assembly and the Authority of the same That the said Eight
hundred twenty five thousand Nyne hundred Seventy Nyne
pounds of Tobacco be paid in manner & forme as is hereafter
Expressed by an Equall Assessment vppon the persons &
Estates of the Inhabitants of this Province And be payd to the
severall persons to whome the same is due as aforesaid Any
Talbott Law Statute Custome or vseage to the Contrary thereof
County Notwithstanding— That is to say To Captain William
Hemsley Sixteen hundred pounds of Tobacco To Thomas
Collens six hundred pounds of Tobacco To Christopher wise
four hundred pounds of Tobacco to John Guilbert four Hun-
dred pounds of Tobacco To Thomas Wood four hundred
pounds of Tobacco to William Dickysone four hundred pounds
of Tobacco To William Jordane to Thomas Fuller To Francis
Story, to William Chapton, to David Rogers To Thomas Yeo-
mans To Thomas Roe To James Carzey, To Miles Johnson, to
George Crouch, To William Naylor, To William Phillips to
Edward Smith to William Perrey, To Richard Parnes, To
Thomas Barnes, to John Jones To Thomas Cyvile To Francis
Maiden, To John Kenemon To William Gary three hundred
pounds of Tobacco each, To Wenlock Christison Nine hundred
pounds of Tobacco To Mr Phellernon Loyd Eight hundred
and Eight pounds of Tobacco To James Wasse Nyne hundred
pounds of Tobacco To Andrew Skinner to Thomas Taylor To
John Tibalds To Edward Winckles To Bryan O Male and John
Bannester Three hundred pounds of Tobacco each person To
Leivtenant Thomas Alexander seven hundred pounds of To-
bacco To Ensigne Nicholas Bartlett six hundred pounds of
Tobacco To Richard Willice four hundred pounds of To-
bacco To Robert Clarke four hundred pounds of Tobacco
To Oliver Millingtone four hundred pounds of Tobacco To
Richard Bailly four hundred lbs Tob. To Paul Howell to

Liber W. H.
& L.

Nathaniell Teagle to John Swaysbury to Ambrose Cox To

p. 166

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 87   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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