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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 84   View pdf image
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84 Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1678.

Liber W. H.
& L.

without passes one other Act made att a Generall Assembly
the twelfth day of February one thousand six hundred seventy
and four Entituled an Act Concerning what shall be allowed
to grand Juryes that are Summoned twice a yeare out of the
body of the Province to attend Provinciall Courtes one Act
made att a Generall Assembly the fifteenth of May in the yeare
one thousand six hundred seventy & six Entituled An Act for
secureing Marchants and others Tobacco after they haue
Received itt one other Act made att the same Assembly
Entituled An Act Relateing to the Seizure of Tobacco by the
sherriffe one other Act made att the same Assembly Entituled
an Act for Publicacon of Marriages one other Act made att
the same Assembly Entituled an Act Relateing to Servants
and Slaues to stand Revived with addicon of these words fol-
lowing after these words (that noe Servant or servants within
this Province) shall be added to these words (whether by
Indenture or according to the Custome of the Countrey or
hired for wages) in the first Paragraph in the second Paragraph
instead of those words (that any servant or servants whatsoever
vnlawfully absenting &ca) it shall be sayd (any such servant or
servants as aforesaid) in the same Paragraph in stead of these
words (where the owner of such servant or servants shall live)
shall be said (where the owner Master or Mrs Dame or over-
seer of such servant shall live) one other Act made att the same
Assembly Entituled An Act touching Coopers & the gage of
Tobacco hhds one other Act made att the same Assembly
Entituled an Act for the Easements of the Inhabitants of this
Province in suites att Law for small debts one other Act made
att the same Assembly Entituled An Act for the Constables
takeing the lists of Taxable one other Act made att the same
Assembly Entituled an Act against the importacon of Con-
victed persons into this Province & one other Act of Assembly
made att the same Assembly Entituled An Act for secureing
Creditors the same Acts and every of them be and are hereby
revived and Confirmed to stand in full force & vertue for and
dureing the Terme of three yeares or to the end of the next
Generall Sessions of Assembly which shall first happen And
be itt further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That The

p. 163

Act for Naturalizacon of John Delemair and others omitted out
of the Act for Ascertaining what Lawes are in force within this
Province doe Stand in full force And that one Act made att a
Generall Assembly the fifteenth day of May in the yeare one
thousand six hundred seventy and six entituled an Act for the
Continueing the payment of two shillings *p hoggshed dureing
the life of the Honble Caecilius Calvert Esqr Sonn & heire of the
Right Honble Charles Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the
Provinces of Maryland & Avalon Lord Baltemore &ca in Case he

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 84   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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