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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 82   View pdf image
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82 Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1678.

Liber W. H.
& L.

pounds of Tobacco due as aforesaid shall and may And is by
this present Act Enabled to hold & Enjoy the said plantacon
& premisses aforesaid Called further Neck with their Appur-
tenances to her & her heires for ever against all manner of
persons whatsoever Clayming by from or vnder the said
George Beckwith & Frances his wife Thomas Carleton &
Christopher Rousby or any of them their heires Executors &

An Act for Reviveing and Confirmeing certain Lawes
of this Province

Bee itt Enacted by the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary
by & with the advice & Consent of the upper and lower houses
of this present Generall Assembly and the Authority of the
same that one Act made att a Generall Assembly begun the
Seventeenth of Aprill one thousand six hundred sixty & one
Entituled an Act for the appointing Certain officers (excepting
the last Clause which is not to be Revived) one other Act made
att the same Assembly Entituled an act Concerning the height
of fences, one other Act made att the same Assembly entituled
an Act for Conveyance of all letters concerning the State and
Publick affaires one other Act made att a Generall Assembly
held att St Maryes the first day of Aprill 1662 entituled an act
Concerning Indians one other Act made att a Generall As-
sembly held att St Maryes the fifteenth of September in the
yeare one thousand six hundred sixty and three and there Con-
tinued till the Third of October following and then adjourned
till the fourth of September in the yeare one thousand six hun-

p. 161

dred Sixty and four Entituled An Act prohibitting Arrests
vpon the Sabboth dayes and Dayes of Generall Musters and
Traynings one other Act made att the same Assembly enti-
tuled An Act for the Amerciaments in the Provinciall and
County Courtes one other Act made att the same Assembly
Entituled an Act Concerning proceedings att Law these words
(soe farr as the Court shall Judge them not inconsistant with
the Condicon of this Province) which are not to stand Revived
one other Act made att a Generall Assembly begun Aprill the
Tenth in the year one thousand six hundred Sixty and six

Entituled an Act prohibitting Trade with Indians for any flesh

dead or alive Except Deere and wild fowle one other Act
made att the same Assembly entituled an Act prohibitting
forreigne Ingrossers one other Act made att a Generall As-
sembly held att St Maryes the thirteenth of Aprill in the yeare
one thousand Six hundred Sixty and Nyne entituled an Act
for Limitacon of Certain accons for avoyding Suites att Law

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 82   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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