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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 74   View pdf image
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74 Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1678.

Liber W. H.
& L.

Assembly by an act entituled An Act for the ease of the
Inhabitants of this Province in Suites of Law for small debts
Ordeine and Enact That noe debt vnder the sufne of fifteene
hundred pounds of Tobacco should be sued but in the County
Court by meanes whereof multiplicity of suites and actions are
moved and Stirred in the said County Courts to the great
profitts of the Clerkes thereof in their fees And whereas by
another Act made att the same Assembly Entituled An Act for
officers fees the secretaryes fees are settled which was never
intended by the said Act to relate to any other matters then
for fees relateing to the Provinciall Court & Secretaryes office
nor can the words in the same warrant any other Construccon,
Yett nevertlesse the said County Court Clerkes by Colour of
the said Act (their fees haveing not as yett been otherwise
Settled) doe presume to take the same fees for such things as
doe Relate to their Respective offices as are Limitted to the
Secretary to the great grievance of the many and poore
Suitors in the County Courtes of which many Complaintes
have been made to the Delegates of the Lower house of

p. 153

Assembly for the prevencon whereof for the future & for the
ascertaining the said County Clarkes fees the Delegates of this
present Generall Assembly doe pray that itt may be Enacted
and be itt Enacted by the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary
by and with the aduice and Consent of the upper and lower
houses of this present Generall Assembly & the Authority of
the same That from henceforth no Clerkes in any County
Court within this Province shall demand take Exact or Receive
of any Suiter plaintiff or Defendant or other Suiter or Peticoner
any other fees then are hereby limitted and directed viz'

For every writt or Capias & Returne


For every Declaracon if a folio


if halfe a folio


for a Coppy thereof if the same be desired & delivered



for entring the Defendants appearance


for every imparlance & refference


for fileing every plea or demurrer if not a Speciall one


if a folio or more pro rato as before

for the Coppy pro rato as before if desired & delivered

for fileing any matter vppon Record if halfe aside


if a whole side


for a Supa & returne if but one name


if 3 names


for Rule to plead or goe to tryall


for makeing up the issue if Joyned


for Coppy if desired & delivered


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 74   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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