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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 75   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1678.


for entring- a Judgment


Liber W. H.
& L.

for Signeing Judgment


for Venire facias


for entring the pannell being the due Returne


for fileing a bill of Costs


for Coppy if desired


for an Execucon and Returne


for a Scire facias and Returne


for a Speciall Bayle


for a writt of Enquiry of Damages


for Entering an appeale


for Returning & Certifyeing the Record p folio


for Entring a writt of Error transmitted to them from the

Provinciall Court


for every Oath


For proveing any deed or other writeing


p. 154

For entring the same vpon Record after the Rate of 8l p

folio as before

For Coppy the same fee

For Recording the marke of Cattle


Provided allwayes that in case any person shall refuse to
pay the same soe by this Act Limitted & allowed itt may and
shall be Lawfull for every County Clerke within this Province
to recover the same by way of Execucon against the goods or
Body of the person Soe Refuseing & noe other And in case
the said County Court Clerkes or any of them shall doe Con-
trary directly or indirectly to this Act he and they shall loose
and forfeit to the party Grieved treble damages and shall alsoe
forfeit the Sume of three thousand pounds of Tobacco or
twenty pounds starling for every time he or they shall doe the
Contrary the one moyty to the Lord Proprietary his heires or
Successors and the other moyety to the party or partyes that
shall sue for the same by any plaint action Suite bill or
Informacon wherein noe Essoyne Proteccon or wager of Law
shall be allowed Provided alsoe That if any fees accrue for any
matter or thing hereafter to be done belonging to the said
office of Clerk in the County Court as aforesaid (& which
they are not bound to doe Ex Officio) & by the Justices of the
County Court adjudged and allowed to be done & not in this
Act limitted mentioned & allowed them it shall and may be
Lawfull for them the said Clerkes to have and Receive Such
fees as the said Justices shall allow and Judge fitt according to
the Proportions aforesaid and noe more Vnder the penalty
aforesaid to be Recovered as aforesaid


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 75   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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