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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 73   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1678. 73

all and every Clarke and Clarkes of the Respective County
Courtes or other Inferior Courtes of Record of this Province
shall be and is hereby obleidged (at the time of such Courtes
sitting when any appeale shall be demanded) to enter a memo-
randum of the same demand as well in his or their Journall, as
in the faire Record of the proceedings of such Court or Courtes
And that noe Clarke nor Clarkes of any County Court or other
inferiour Court of Record of this Province shall for the future
refuse or delay vpon request of any such appellant to write
and make out transcript & transcripts of such proceedings as
aforesaid vnder his hand and seale of the said Court as afore-
said vpon penalty to pay the Respective damages and damages
which such person or persons shall susteine by such Refuseall
or delay as aforesaid the party appellant paying and secureing

Liber W. H.
& L.

such respective Clarke his Just fees for the same according to
Law And be itt further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid
that the said Act Entituled an Act to prevent vnnecessary
delayes of Execucons made att a Generall Assembly held for
this Province the fifteenth day of May one thousand six
hundred seventy six and every part thereof be from henceforth
wholly Repealed—
And lastly be itt Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that
noe officer or officers within this Province shall hereafter for
any writt of Error Supersedias, or scire facias, to heare Judg-
ment vppon Errors from the Provinciall Court of this Province
to any County Court or other inferior Court of this Province,
Receive or demand any more or other fee or fees then is here-
after menconed (that is to say) for a writt of Error to the
Secretary fifty pounds of Tobacco and to the Chancellor for the
Seale thereof one hundred & twenty pounds of Tobacco for a
Supersedias to the Secretary fifty pounds of Tobacco & to the
Chancellor for the seale thereof one hundred and twenty
pounds of Tobacco for a Scire facias to the Secretary fifty
pounds of Tobacco and to the Chancellor one hundred and
twenty pounds of Tobacco for the Seale thereof and noe more
any act heretofore made or any Law vseage or Custome to the
Contrary in any wise notwithstanding This Act to Continue for
three yeares or to the end of the next Generall Assembly
which shall first happen—

An Act for Limitting the County Clerkes fees
within this Province—

His Lordship the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary willing
and desireing the ease and Conveniency of his good people
in suites att Law did att the first sessions of this Assembly by
the advice and Consent of the upper and Lower houses of

p. 152

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 73   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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