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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 62   View pdf image
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62 Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1678.

Liber W. H.
& L.

within your County and you shall give Authority to each of
them severally and respectively by four severall and Respective
Indentures vnder their hands and Seales to be Deputyes &
Delegates for your County and to appeare and serve as Depu-
tyes and Delegates for your County att the said next Generall
Assembly to doe and Consent to those things which then by
the fauour of God shall there happen to be ordained by the
Lord Proprietary by the advice and Consent of the great
Councell of this Province Concerning such occasions and
affaires as shall relate to the Government State and defence of
this Province but wee will not in any case that you or any
other sherriffe in our said Province be elected which said
Indentures shall be between you the sherriff of the one part
and the said freemen Electing on the other part and shall beare
date the same day vppon which the said Eleccon shall be made

p. 142

and shall mention the time and place of such eleccon And the
persons soe elected and shall be signed and sealed each part
of them as well by you the Sherriffe as by the said freemen by
whom the said Eleccon shall be made and that vpon such
Eleccon you the sherriffe shall soe soone as Conveniently may
be certifie and transmitt to the Chancellor of this Province for
the time being one part of the said severall & Respective
Indentures close sealed up vnder your hand & Seale and
directed to the Lord Proprietary of this Province and alsoe to
the said Chancellor & the other part of the said Indenture you
are to keepe for your Justification wittnes our selfe att our
Citty of St Maryes &c. And be itt further Enacted by the
Lord Proprietary by and with the Consent of the upper and
lower houses of this present Generall Assembly and the
Authority of the same that two Cittizens to serve in the said
Assembly for the Citty of St Maryes be nominated elected
Chosen and appointed by the Major Recorder Aldermen &
Comon Councell as heretofore hath been vsuall And Bee itt
further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the aforesaid
four Delegates to be elected in the Respective Countyes
within this Province and the two Cittizens of the said Citty of
St Maryes be and are hereby bound and obleiged to attend att
the time and place of the meeting of such Assemblyes without
any further writt or Summons to be to them sent vnder the
penalty of such fines as shall be by the lower house of Assembly
imposed uppon them Vnless vpon sufficient Excuse to be
admitted by the said lower house of Assembly their absence
be dispenced withall any Statute law or vseage to the Con-
trary thereof in any wise notwithstanding And Bee itt alsoe
Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That any sherriffe that shall
refuse or neglect to make returne of the Delegates soe Elected
by Indenture as aforesaid before the day of Sitting of such

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 62   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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