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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 63   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1678. 6$

Assembly or that shall make any vndue or illegall returnes of
such eleccons shall for every such default be fined one hundred
pounds starling one halfe to the Lord Proprietary the other
halfe to the informer or him or them that shall sue for the same
to be Recovered in any Court of Record in this Province
wherein noe Essoyne proteccon or wager of Law to be allowed
Provided Neverthelesse that this Act or any thing therein Con-
tained shall not extend to or be construed to Exclude any
County or Countyes Citty or Cittyes Burrough or Burroughs
hereafter by his Lordship the Lord Proprietary of this Province
his heirs & Successors to be erected appointed and made
within this Province from the benefitt and liberty of such
eleccons of Delegates and representatives as is before Ex-
pressed but that such writt as aforesaid shall uppon Calling
every Generall Assembly for this Province for the future be
issued to the Sherriffe of every such County when the same
shall be erected and made into a County as aforesaid and to
Major Recorder and Aldermen of such Citty or Burrough

Comanding such sherriffe or Major Recorder & Aldermen to

Cause four freemen of the same County & two freemen of the
said Citty & Burrough qualified as in the said writt is Expressed
to serve as Delegates and representatives of the same County

Liber W. H.
& L.

Citty or Burrough in the Generall Assembly then next ensueing
which said four Delegates for every such County and two
Delegates for every such Citty and Burrough shall from
henceforth be and be Reputed and Esteemed to be members
of the lower house of the Generall Assembly of this Province
any thing in this Act to the Contrary in any wise notwith-
Provided alsoe that noe Sherriffe or vnder sherriffe of this
Province shall sitt as a member of the Lower house of Assem-
bly dureing the Tearme of his or their sherriffalty—
Provided alsoe that noe ordinary keeper within this Province
dureing the tearm of his keepeing Ordinary shall be elected
Chosen or serve as a Deputy or Representative in the said
Generall Assembly soe to be hereafter Called convened and
appointed as aforesaid—

An Act for the due Recording of all the Lawes of this Province
in the Secretaryes office

The upper and lower houses of this present Generall Assem-
bly considering the many mischiefes Errors and inconveniencyes
which did arise and were Comitted in this Province by reason
the Lawes were not ascertained what were lawes or what lawes
Continued Repealed and vnrepealed did at the first sessions
of this Assembly procure from his Lordship the Right Honble

p. 143

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 63   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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