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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 61   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1678. 61

enacting & establishing good and wholesome lawes for the
well Ruleing & Government thereof & allsoe upon any nec-
essary & imergent occasions to Raise & leavy money for the
defraying the Charges of the said Government & defence
thereof neither of which according to the Constitutions of this
Prouince can be made ordeined established Leavyed or raysed

Liber W. H.
& L.

but by & with the Consent of the freemen of this Province-
by their severall delegates and representtatives by them freely
nominated chosen & Elected to serve for their severall Cittyes &
Countyes in a Generall Assembly and for as much as the Safest
& best rule for this Province to follow in Electing such Dele-
gates & representatives is the presidents of the Proceedings in
Parliament in England as neere as the Constitution of this
Province will admitt the Delegates of this present Generall
Assembly doe humbly pray That itt may be Enacted and Bee
itt Enacted by the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary by and
with the advice and Consent of the upper and lower houses of
this present Generall Assembly and the Authority of the same
That for the future when & as often as his Lordshipp the Lord
Proprietary his heyres and successors his or their Leivtenant &
Chiefe Governour for the time being shall vpon any accident
& vrgent affaire of this Province think itt fitt & Convenient to
Call & convene an Assembly and to send out writts for the
Eleccon of Burgesses & Delegates to serve in such Assembly
the forme of the said writt shall be as followeth C: Absolute
Lord and Proprietor of the Provinces of Maryland & Avalon
Lord Baron of Baltemore To the sherriffe of A: Greeting
these are to Authorise and Require you imediately vppon
Receipt hereof to Call together four or more of the Com-
issioners of Your County with the Clerke who are hereby
required to sitt as a Court and dureing their sitting by vertue
of your office to make or Cause to be made Publick Proc-
lamacon thereby giveing notice to all the freemen of your said
County who have within your said County a freehold of fifty
Acres of Land or a visible personall Estate of forty pounds
starling att least Requireing them to appeare att the next
County Court to be houlden for your County att a Certaine
day within a Reasonable time softer such Proclamacon made for
the electing & Chuseing of Deputyes and delegates to serve
for your County in a Generall Assembly to be holden att the
Citty of St Maryes the day of at which time
of Proclamacon aforesaid the said freemen soe Required to
appeare or the Major part of such of them as shall then appeare
shall and may and are hereby Authorized and Required to
Elect and Chuse four severall & Sufficient freemen of your
County each of them haveing a freehold of fifty Acres of land
or a visible personall estate of forty pounds starling att least

p. 141

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 61   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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