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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 60   View pdf image
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60 Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1678.

Liber W. H.
& L.

proceeded against according to due Course of Law And if
thereupon he shall be Legally convict by a Iury of such his
obstinate refuseall or disobedience as aforesaid he shall be
fined and imprisoned according to the discretion of the
of the Provinciall Court—
(12.) And for the Prevention of the great Charge of Annuall
Assemblyes who may meet for noe other occasion but onely to

p. 140

lay the Publick Levy in time of Peace Bee itt Enacted by the
Authority aforesaid That the Leivtenant Generall & Councell
from time to time dureing the Intervall of Assemblyes for the
defraying & payment of small Charges of this Province be and
are hereby Impowered to assesse the same equally to be
Levyed vpon all the Inhabitants of this Province for the defray-
ing the said small Charges in times of peace as aforesaid any
thing in this Act to the Contrary in any wise notwithstanding
Provided alwayes & itt is the true intent & meaning of this
Act That the said sumes for the small Charges of this Province
soe to be assessed by the Governour & Councell as aforesaid
upon the Inhabitants of this Province as aforesaid exceed not
in any one yeare the sufne of fifty thousand pounds of Tobacco
Provided that this Act or any thing therein Contained shall
not extend to bind up or hinder the Lord Proprietary or his
Governour or Leivtenant Generall for the time being or any
officer especially Authorized from them or any of them vpon
iminent danger by Invasion Insurreccon or Incursion as afore-
said for and dureing the terme of Eighteen moneths before
by this Act limitted & appointed for his said Lordship to
supply and furnish this Province in Generall and every County
thereof with Sufficient Armes for soe many men as can be
Reasonably Conceived to be necessary to be drawn out upon
such iminent danger of Invasion Insurreccon or Incursion as
aforesaid att any one tyme But that they & every of them
uppon all or any such danger haue liberty to presse such pri-
vate Armes & Amunicon of or belonging to any person within
this Province as shall be necessary upon such occasion dureing
the said Terme of Eighteene moneths reasonable regard being
had to each respective family that they be not left vtterly des-
titute of Armes & Amunition for defence of the same This
Act to endure for three yeares or to the end of the next
Generall Assembly which shall first happen

An Act directing the manner of Ellecting and Summoning
Delegates and Representatives to serve in succeeding

Forasmuch as the Cheifest and onely foundation & support
of any kingdome State or Comonwealth is the provideing

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 60   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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