592 Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1683.
L. H. Journal
Then was p'sented to this house by Mr Burford A paper,
wch being read Conteyned as followeth:
Lowehouse of Assembly November the 2d 1683
paper of
to the bill
the lanes &c.
In the Last line Except Two of the first sheet of
the Act Ascertaining the True force and Validity of
the Lawes of this province &c After the words
Twenty months let there be Incerted the words
p. 62
After the End of, such sessions of Assembly, in wch such Law
or Lawes Act or Acts was made as aforesd: The sayd Law or
Lawes as in the sayd bill.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesd, tht all
and Every Law and Lawes, Act and Acts of Assembly which
at any time heretofore have passed the vpper [and Lower]
houses of Assembly, with the Assent and Approbation of
you[r Lordships Lieu]t Genrall Deputy Leivt or other Goverr
or Governous, of this province for the time being Dureing
[the absence] of your Lop: out of this province the same
Lawes are [and shall] bee held Esteemed and Taken, and
are hereby declared to [be good valid] most Absolute and
Available in Law According to the true intent purport and
meaning of the same, Such Lawes to [which your Lordsps]
Disassent hath already been Signilyed and published to both
yor Lopps houses of Assembly Only Excepted
Lower House of Assembly November the 2d 1683.
with the
If the vppr house thinke it necessary that the
Amendments abovementioned be Incerted Into the
bill Ascertayning the true force and validity of the
Lawes of this province &c. This house will forthwith pass the
sayd bill to Ingrosment Accordingly
Signd p Ordr C Boteler Cler &c.
Capt Hill and Major Long sent to the vppr house, wth the
Amendmts the message Thereto relateing and the bill in the
same mentioned, And are Ordered to desire the vpper houses
Answere therevnto this Night, That this house may pass the
bill To Ingrossment
They returne and say they have delivered their message
The question was then putt whether the Rates Allowed for
liquors & provisions shall as the Committee have Stated them.
Voted In the Negative
Rates of
This [house] then proceed to the Settleing the Rates
and prizes of Lyquors & pro as ffoll
ll Tob:
AD 12
Brandy Punch 70 p bowle made of a qtof Bandy