Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1683. 591
tinueing the payment of the Imposition of 2 Shillings per
hogshead Dureing the life of the honorable Caecilivs Esq &c
shall be new drawne, Altering the name of Caecilivs for
Benedict Leonard Leonard And offered to the Consideraccon
of the Lower house.
Voted In the Affirmative
Then was Read A bill Entitled An epeale of
Certayne Lawes the second time: And After de vpon
The Question was putt sayd bill should pass to
Yea or Nay.
Voted In the Negative
The Secry Darnall and presents to this house the
petition of 6478ll of Tobacco, Due to the Estate of
Daniell Clocker of ty wch pet. was Endeorsed as
followeth viz'
L. H. Journal
p. 61
about a
peticon of
James Yore
Upper house 2d Novembr 1683.
This house have Considered this peticcon & doe
beleive the sum peticond for, Nor any part thereof
was ever Yet payd, And doe desire the Lower house
would againe Consider this peticon soe that the
publique faith may be meyntayned, & the Creditt thereof may
not faile
Signd p Ordr Tho: Grunwin Cler &c.
Then was Mr Hall and Mr Richardsone sent to the Upper
house with Jacob Youngs peticon and Accot & the following
Lower House of Assembly November the 2d 1683:
Message about
Jacob Young:
Vpon Consideraccon of the peticon and Acco'of
Jacob Young sent to this house, this day by the
Upper house, 1ms house doe Answere, That it this house Can
bee Assured, that the sayd Jacob Young will forthwith depart
this province and Goe for Holland Or any Other part of
Evrope & first give good and sufficient security, that he will
never returne into Any part of America, tht then this house
will be willing to Contribute Towards the payment of his fees,
th'he maybe forthwith discharged, Otherwise it is the Opinion
of this house that the sayd Jacob: pay his fees Due to the
Sherriffe According to Act of Assembly.
Signd p Ordr C Bot[eler Cler] &c.
Bill pre-
venting Arrests
of Judgmt &c
read the 2d
Then was read a bill Intitled An Act for pre-
venting Arrests of [Judg]ment & stay of Execu-
tions &c the second time, And vpon debate
Thereof, This house Conceive there will not be
time Enough to perfect the same this sessions: