588 Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1683.
L. H. Journal
signify to both houses what place his Lopp Intends all future
Assemblyes, Provinciall Courts and Offices, shall be held and
kept Att, That they might Take Speedy Course to make
pvision of buildings fitt for the reception thereof:
This house have requested of his Lordsp: tht he would be
pleasd To Declare his mind and Intention in the matter
aforesd, wherevpon his Lorpp: hath declared to his Two
houses of Assembly, That at what place In Ann Arrundell
County, there shall bee Conveniencyes built fitt for The
[Rec]eption of His Lopp and Councill, vppr and Lower house
provincial] Courts, and Offices for Clerkes, There his Lop
and his heires and Successors Lords and proprietaryes of this
province, will Hold the Assemblyes and Courts aforesd for the
future, Vnless vpon Occasion he Or they shall thinke fitt tht
the same be removed, And that this matter may receive more
spedy Dispatch, This house Doe Nominate Coll Henry Dar-
nall and Major Thomas Truman, members of this house to
Joyne with members of the Lower house as A Committee for
That Affaire
of the word
Mr Thomas Burford sent to the vppr house to
desire them to Explayne themselves, what they mean
by the word Occasion in their message of the 31th of
October, sent this day to this house by Coll Stevens:
p. 59
He returnes and sayes, the vppr house Answere, the Intent
and scope of the word Occasion is such as Warr, plague or
the like for which an Approach or Stay To or In the sayd
place Cannot be made without Extreame Inconveniency and
Vpon Consideraccon of the foregoeing Message was drawne
the papr foll: (vizt)
Lower house of Assemb[ly Nove]mber the first 1683:
of Offices
This House desire to knowe wh[ether the w]ord
Offices mentioned in the Last message by Coll Stev-
ens [are intended] the Secretarys office Land Office
and [the Testa]mentary office.
[Signed p Order] C Boteler Cler: &c.
The ing read and signd wa vp: by Capt
Orsborne & Capt Perce
house by Coll Darnall returne the following
Answere (vizt)
Uppr house Ist of November 1683
ff[or Answere of] the Last message by Capt Ors-
borne & Capt Peerce this house Doe [say by] the word