Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1683. 59
Offices they mean the same Offices Expressed in the Afforesd
message of the Lower house.
Signd p Ordr Tho: Grunwin Cler &c.
L. H. Journal
ffive messen-
gers bring
3 bills: which
are read the
first time
Then Came Coll Taylor Coll Low, Coll Darnall
Coll Stevens & Major Truman from the vppr
house and prsent to this house the 3 bills follow-
1: A bill Entitled An Act of gratitude To, And provideing
a support for the Right Honoble Charles &c and the heires of
his blood for Ever
2: A bill Entituled An Act Ascertayning the true force and
Validyty of the lawes of this province passed In the Absence
of the Right Honoble the Lord proprietary &c.
3: A bill Entitled An Act for repeale of Certayne Lawes,
Every of wch bills severally receved their first reading, in
this house
The sayd messengers alsoe delivered the following paper
which being read Conteyned these words: (vizt)
Upper house of Assembly pm0 Novembris 1683:
the sd 3
This house will Joyne with the Lower house in
praying his Lops Assent To the bill Directing the
manner of Electing Burgesses &c And One Other
bill Toutching the Leavying of warr and Defraying
the publique [Charge] of the province; As the Lower house
by their message of the 29th of [October] last past by Mr John
Rousby and Capt Richard Hill have requested, this house well
Assureing themselves, That the Lower house will not deny to
Joyne againe wth this house in likewise praying his Lordsps
Assent, to Three Other bills here [with] sent them (Vizt) An
Act Assertayning the True force & Validity of the Lawes of
this province &c. An Act of Gratitude &c And An Act for
repeale of Certayne Lawes, alsoe of very great Consequence
and absolute Necessity for the peace and quiett of this prov-
ince, all wch sayd severall bills it is the Desire of this house
may be prsented To his Lop Together for his Assent and
Approbation as being Most Desirous ready and willing to goe
hand in hand wth the Lower house, in matters of soe great
moment and Concerne to the province, and Desire herevnto
the Concurrence of the Lower house
Signd p Ord Tho: Grunwin Clerke &c.
Then was Drawne the ffollowing message
Lower house of Assembly November the first 1683:
This house have appoynted Mr Richard Hall Mr Clemt Hill
p. 60