Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1683. 587
They returne and say they have delivered the same
Major Truman brings from the vppr house An Accot of the
prysone ffees of Jacob young: wth his peticcon, and Indeors-
ment therevpon which is as ffoll (viz')
L. H. Journal
Jacob Young's
Uppr house Ist of November 1683
This house hath read the peticcon of Jacob
young, And the Accot of the Sherr therevnto
Annexed for his fees And soe send the same to the Lowr house
ffor Their Consideraccon
Signd p Ordr Tho: Grunwin Clk &c
Then was Read the peticcon of the Orphanes of Henry
Lewis of Ann Arrundell County deceased, and therevpon
voted the ffollowing Message
Lower house of Assembly November the first 1683
pet. of the
of Henry
The petticcon of the Orphanes of henry Lewis
being prsented and read in this house, And a member
of this house Affirming to this house that the sayd
Orphanes are Extreamly Injured, by the fraud of their
p. 58
sayd ffather in law, This house doe desire, the uppr house, to
take the sd peticon into their serious Consideraccon, and give
Direccon to the Judges in Testamentary Causes, to doe
ther[ein what] by the Lawes and presidents of this province
can be done, f[or relief] of the petioners, and for secureing
what little remaines of [their Estate] wthin this province:
[Signed p] Ordr C Boteler Cler
The peticcon and message sent to the vppr house by Mr
ffrizby dsone
They returne and say they have delivered the
Then was read the peticcon and Accot of ffees Due from
Ja Imprisonement, And refferred till the Affternoone:
Coll Stevens Comes with a message from the vppr house
which being reade is as foll:
to a message
of the 24th
about places
To hould As-
Courts and
Offices at
Uppr house 31th October 1683 :
This house received message from the Lower
house of the 24th Instant wherein the Lower house
Express their Thankfullness to his Lop for his great
Love and Affeccon Towards the good people of this
province, Exprest in his speech at the Opening this
Assembly, And more particularly in Conveening
this Assembly and Appoynting his Lops provinciall
Court, to be held in this place soe neer the Center of this
province And therein the Lower house did pay his Lopp, to