Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1683. 573
Bill con-
cerning Tob:
read the 2d
Then was read An Act for regulateing the tares
and abuses in Tobacco hogsheads the second time,
with amendments,
L. H. Journal
A bill lim-
mitting the
Extent of
& read the
first time
Mr Robert Carvile from the Committee for In-
specting the Lawes reports to this house A bill
Entitled an Act Limmitting the Extent of Attach-
ments and Executions &c which was read the first
A bill
the Offices
&c: read
the first
Then was read a bill Entitled an Act prohibitting
the Offices of sherr or vnder Sherriffe and Deputy
Surveyr to be Officiated at One and the same time by
one and the same persone. The first time.
A bill con-
hh: Assented
Then was Read a bill Entitled An Act for regu-
lating the Tares & Abuses in Tobacco hogshead:
by Speaciall Ordr of the house, and Assented too
The house Adjourne till Tomorrow 7 a Clocke:
Fryday October the 26th 1683:
The house mett, and Called all prsent as Yesterday:
Then was read what was Done Yesterday:
The bill about
sent vpp
Then was sent to the vppr house by Mr Clemt
Hill & Mr Green the bill for regulateing the Tares
and Abuses in Tobacco Hogsheads:
Then was read A bill Entitled, An Act for Advancemt of
Trade the Third time with its Amendments
Capt Hill
Excuses his
Capt Richard Hill prsents himselfe to the house
and desires to be Excused his not Coming yesterday:
His Excuse Admitted
Coll Low Coll Burgess & Mr Secry Darnall prsent the fol-
lowing message from the vppr house
Vpper house 26th of October 1684
The Lower house of this Assem[bly sent to this] house the
22th of this Instant month A bill for the Election and Sum-
moning of Delegates representatives and Burgesses to serve
in [Succeeding Assem]blyes wch in the preamble and some
Other parts wch wan [ted a full Explanation] thereof [this
hou]se Could not Concurr with the [Lower house therein]
And [yet not differing in true Intent of the sayd bill There-
fore this house hath drawne] vp a new bill and Desires the
Concurrence of the [Lower house to the same] It not differing
in Subsance from what was desired by [the Lower house]
Signd p Order Tho: Grunwin [Cl of Assembly]
Majr Thomas Long To the vppr house, for this houses bill
of Eleccons,
p. 46