572 Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1683.
L. H. Journal
way to Satisfy the sd Sherr his fees, Your peticoners husbands
Estate not being of that vallue to pay the same. And further
tht this Honble house will move his Lopp: that the security of
2000ll may be lessened and that his Irons may be Taken off:
And your peticoners shall spend the rest of their lives In
praying for his Lordsp: and this honoble House
The Consideraccon of the foregoeing peticcon referred.
Then Came Mr Carvile, and Mr Burford and prsented To
this house the ffollowing paper, wch being read in a full House
was Ordered to be Entered vpon the Journall of this house, vizt
of the mem-
bers of this
house for
Kent County
Lower house of Assembly October the 25th 1683
Vpon Complaint this day made to this house by
Majr Joseph Weekes and Mr Henry Hosier, Two
members of this house, tht a summons was Issued
out of the provinciall Court of this province, Directed
p. 45
to the Sherr of Kent County Dated the 4th of October Instant,
for them to appeare before his Lop & Councill the 30th of
October Instant, at this place soe tht they did Expect to be
summoned by that or some Other pcess of tht nature soe
soone as this house shall either be prorogued Adjourned or
Dissolved agl the priviledge due to member of this house
This house Takeing into serious Consideraccon & finding
presidents tht the members of parlament have priviledge,
Evndo: Morando, redevndo for their persones & their nec-
essary servants, & in some Cases for their goods and Estates
alsoe Dureing tht time, from suits, Arrests Imprisonm'5 Attend-
ance On tryalls serveing One Juryes and the like, Yea from
being summoned or Called to Attend vpon any suit in Other
Courts by Subpce served vpon them, and that not Onely of the
sitting of the parlament Dureing the time of sixteen
dayes exclusive and fifteen dayes Incl Every sitting
of the parlament And Dureing any Adiournmt of
T was put members of this house
should not have sitting of any Assembly &
for some time the sitting of any Assembly in this
pvince Resolved in the Affirmative Then
further Putt, In what time every member of this house
should priviledge before and After the sitting of Every
Sessions of Assembly.
Voted that Sixteen dayes Excusive and ffifteen dayes Inclu-
sive is Time little Enough.
Resolved therevpon that every member of this house be
priviledged in their persones for sixteen dayes exclusive and
ffifteen dayes Inclusive before and After the sitting of Every
sessions of Assembly in such manner as the members of par-
lament England are priviledged: