574 Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1683.
L. H. Journal
He returnes and sayes they will send it by a member of
their owne Mr Secry Sewall from the vppr house, prsents the
sayd bill—
Then was read the vpper houses bill for Electing and Sum-
moning of Burgesses &c. the first time.
Then Came Coll Diggs from the vppr house with the
following message
Answere to
the message
about places
to hold
at &c.
Upper house, 26th of October 1683
This house received from the Lower house a
message of the 24th Instant Therein desireing that
his Lopp would signify to both houses the places
for the Assemblyes provinciall Courts & Offices,
wch this house Conceive his Lop: Cannot soe well
doe till such time as the bill for Advancement of Trade be
first settled & past, Therefore this house desires the dispatch
of the said bill & that it be sent vp to this house, And then
this house is well Assured his Lop: will Answere to the sayd
Message of the 24th Instant.
Signd p Ordr Tho: Grunwin Cler &c.
Votes about
the bill of
Vpon Debate Concerning the bills of Eleccon now
before this house The was Putt: whether
the preamble of the sd bill shall bee Continued Yea
or Nay: Voted in the Affirmative
The question was further putt whether the words (As by
their Charter To them Granted) shall be left out Yea or Nay:
Voted In the Affirmative:
The question was further put Whether the word (Consti-
tuted) shall be Change for the word (Ordained) Yea or Nay:
Voted In the Affirmative
Ordered to
be drawne
the same
Mr Carvile Mr Rousby are Ordered to prpare a
message Concerning the bill for Eleccons, And the
bill for Leavying of warr and defraying the publique
Charge And alsoe to amend this houses bill for
Directing the manner of Eleccons, According to the foregoeing
p. 47
The sd members goe vpon their Charge
Mr ffrizby a member of this house haveing some vrgent
Occasion Desires Leave to be Absent for this night, which is
granted to him soe tht he returne before the sitting of this
house to morrow morning vndr penalty of being Cen
Mr Carvile & Mr Rousby ing paper to Mr