Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1683. 571
Vppr house October the 24th 1683
This house have not Any thing before them that Cann be
sent to the Lower house This night:
Signd p Ordr Tho: Grunwin Cler. &c.
The house Adjourne Till To morrow morning seven A Clocke
Thursday October the 25th 1683
The house mett and Called all prsent as yesterday Except
Capt Hill absent by Leave from this house.
Then was read what was done Yesterday:
Then Came Mr Secry Sewall from the vppr house wth the
following message.
L. H. Journal
about Sen-
Jacob young
Upper house 25th of October 1683
This house desire To knowe when the Lower
house Can Spare their Roome Commonly Called
the Court house roome, This house Intending then
to Sitt There and give Sentence vpon Jacob young:
Sig'nd p Order Tho: Grunwin Cler: &c.
Mr Hill and Capt Smith sent with the ffollowing Answere.
Lower house of Assembly October the 25th 1683
This house in Answere to the message this day sent by the
honoble Major Sewall Doe say that this house will forthwith
Adjourne, that their honnors may make vse of the Room
[according to] their desire
[Signed p Order] C Boteler Cler &c:
The House Adjourne a Clocke
The house mett fore
To the Honoble the Lower Ho
p. 44
Anne Youngs
, The Humble peticon of Ann Young wife of
Humbly Sheweth That your peticoners Hus-
of his long Imprisonmt is much Deminnished and
and her Children are much Imporished soe tht Your
peticoners Husbands Estate, will not be able to defray the fees
now demanded by the Sherriffe, for his Imprisonmt And your
peticoners Husband is verry fearfull he Cannot procure
Securityes for Two Thousand pounds as by his Judgment he
is Ordered.
Your peticoner Humbly prayes this Honoble House will pitty
and Comisserate her Husbands Condiccon, & ppose some