Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1683. 553
above mentioned shall att any time hereafter be EnAbled or
made Capable of sending any Cytizen or Cytizens Burgess or
Burgesses, Delegate or Deputy to any Assembly hereafter to
bee Conveend or Called vntill such time as the Towne or
Townes port or ports place or places shall be Actually, Inhab-
itted by such and soe many familys as shall be sufficiently able
and lyable to defray the Charge & Expences of such Delegate
and Deputy who shall be Elected and Chosen by the freemen
of Each respective Towne or the major part of them without
being in any sort Chargable or burthensome to the respective
Countyes for or by reason thereof, But that the Charge &
Expences of such Cytizenes Burgesses Delegates and Depu-
tyes shall from time to time and at all Times hereafter, be
defrayed and borne by the respective Inhabitants of such
Towne port or place, for whome they or Any of them shall
serve as aforesd, Saveing to the Cyttizens of the Cyttie of St
Maryes all such Rights and priviledges as have heretofore
been Granted to thm by his Lordsps Charter
Put to the question if the foregoeing Clause Ought to bee
Added to the bill for Advancement Trade
Voted In the Affirmative
L. H. Journal
Lower house Of Assembly October the 13th 1683
This House desire to knowe if the vpper house have any bill
or Other matter to send to this house, Otherwise this house
will Adjourne till Munday morning:
[Signed p Order C Botjeler Clk &c
Mr Speaker Acquaints a Minnister
lately Come out of England morrow
The house Adjournes
The house mett and Called all prsent
Then was read what was Done On Satterday
p. 28
A bill relateing to
vncertayne goods read
the 2d time
Then was read a bill Entitled An Act
Toutching goods and Chattells
whose propr Owners are vnknown the 2d time
Coll Darnall from the vpper house brings the following
Uppr house 13th of October 1683 :
power to Nominate other
Townes reserved to his
This house are of Oppinion that in the
Act for Townes [a] Clause bee Incerted
That his Lop: the Lord Proprietary his
heires [and Successors Lords & Proprietaryes of this prov-