552 Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1683.
L. H. Journal
Uppr house October the 13th 1683
This house is readie to heare the Burgesses of somersett
County as to places Appoynted for Townes in Pocomoake
Signd p Ordr Tho Grunwin CH &c.
Capt Smith and Capt Orsborne Goe to the vppr house
according to the last message
The Committee for Advancemt of Trad goe out.
Appoynting paces for
Townes affirmd to be his
Lps Prerogative
Capt Smith and Capt Orsborne returne
and report to this house That the Ap-
poynting places for Townes &c is Affirm'd
p. 27
by the vppr house to be the prerogative of the Lord Proprie-
tary and That his Lop haveing appoynted the places for the
townes in Sommersett County the vpper house say They
Cannot alter the same
Proposed by a member of this house whether it be not
necessary Considering The benefitt and Conveniency of the
Inhabitants of Ann Arrundell County that there be a place
Appoynted for a Towne in or nere West & Road Rivers in
the County aforesd
In Answere where llowing message.
Lower fhouse of Assembly October] 13th 1683
Message thereby
This house Co[nceive by such reasons as have]
been offered by the delegates of An[n Arrundell
County That a Town seated] in some Convenient place of
West R[iver will far better suit the Conveniency] of all the
Inhabitants liveing betw[een Herring Creek and South] River
then the place appoynted in [South River and have sent] the
said Delegates to offer the reasons to the [Upper house
desireing their Concurrence therein
Signd p Ordr C Boteler Cler &c.
Capt Hill and Richardsone sent with the message.
Answere by the
They Returne and say that the vppr house seem
to Incline to the Alteracon of the place for a
Towne in South River, but say they Cannot resolve till his
Lop Con
The Com for Advancement of Trade Report to this
house A Clause to be rted Into the Act for Advancemt
of Trade as ffolloweth
A Clause to be Added
to the bill for advancemt
of Trade
And the great number of
Townes ports & places aforesd may in time
to come prove Burthensome to the Publique
by Increasing the number of Burgesses in Assemblyes. Be it
Enacted by the Authority aforesd That noe towne port or place